Sounds & Multimedia News & Articles Fan-Fiction Pictures & Artwork All these sounds and videos are free to download. A lot of these WAV sounds make great Windows sound events for your computer. If you have any videos or sound clips from He-Man or She-Ra, email them to us and we'll put them here! Please send any material to and it will be posted on our website as soon as possible. Most of these files will open and play in Windows Media Player which is likely already installed on your computer, but RealAudio/RealMedia files require that you download and install RealPlayer and Apple Quicktime files require that you download and install Quicktime in order to play them. Enjoy!
Adam almost gets caught... Battlecat is hungry... Beastman: "Our master wants a word with you" "By the power of Greyskull!" "Game has just begun" "Get them you fools!!" Guitar Sheet Music He-Man calls Skeletor a bonehead "He-Man, He-Man, He-Man!" He-Man laughs... He-Man opening theme music (Wave) "I HAVE THE POWER!" Laser bolt "Let the power Return!" MOTU show theme midi 1 MOTU show theme midi 2 MOTU show theme midi 3 MOTU show theme midi 4 MOTU action scene midi Orko's commercial break... Orko flubs a spell... He-Man Toy Commercial 1 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 2 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 3 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 4 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 5 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 6 (RealAudio) He-Man Toy Commercial 7 (RealAudio) Skeletor being REALLY mean... Skeletor laughs 1... Skeletor laughs 2... Teela complains about Adam... Teela complains again... Theme music from "Secret of the Sword" "They're bugging the big bones outta me"