I guess to some people I have it all. Like my mother, I
am a princess. I was Princess of Eternia like she is until I
married Prince Micah of Etheria. I have five beautiful children,
and two of the girls are identical twins. My children's heritage
comes from three different planets--Earth, Eternia, and Etheria.
Maybe I should start at the beginning, to when my maternal
grandmother was an astronaut from Earth.
Right around that time the Horde War started. The Horde
attempted to conquer Eternia. Lives were lost during that battle,
notably that of the Sorceress' husband, my aunt Teela's father.
Lives were also shattered, as Hordak, leader of this attack, abducted
my mother and took her to Etheria as revenge for being defeated
by my grandfather.
Mother grew up on Etheria under spells of control. A really
nice woman, Shakra, was her nursemaid. Better her than Shadow
Weaver, I always thought. Years later my uncle Adam was sent to
find her, not even knowing that he had a sister. It turns out that the
Horde had lied to her and told her that the Horde was good, and they
hid all sorts of things from her, the jerks (a word Grandmother taught
I can't imagine how Mother felt, a Horde force captain one minute,
a princess the next--and the fact that she had a destiny as She-Ra,
like Uncle Adam was meant to be He-Man. See, they have these
magic swords that transform them, and I love riding on Swift Wind
with Mother when she's She-Ra. Anyway, I digress. My mother's
life had been turned around drastically, but she's one to roll with
the punches, as I've found out.
Not long after my mother became leader of the Rebellion on
Etheria, she met a pirate captain--my father, Sea Hawk. A few years
later they were married.
Just over a year after they were married, my father was believed to
have been killed during the final battle to free Etheria. My mother didn't
know it yet but she was pregnant with me at the time. So she went
home to Eternia a widow.
I'm told that I was nearly born in Snake Mountain, of all places. The
Horde wasn't done with my family yet, and Horde Prime sent Hordak and
his bunch to Eternia, to ally with Hordak's erstwhile pupil Skeletor.
Hordak and his lackeys came to Eternia the day I was born, kidnapping
my mother while she was in labor. I tell you, they have absolutely no
conscience whatsoever. Fortunately, my uncle was able to rescue
my mother, and I was born in the Palace of Eternia.
Mother, while protective of me, was about to go over the deep end.
Soon after I was born my paternal grandfather, the Falcon, died, but
not before he got to see me. That, along with the idea that I would
grow up without a father, was too much for Mother. Naturally, the
Horde tried to take advantage of that by invading her dreams and
making her want to kill the man responsible for my father's death.
They knew that if she killed, she would have to give up her power as
She-Ra. Maybe they weren't as stupid as they let on, but maybe
they were. Admiral Scurvy, who was supposed to have killed my
father, had killed himself, so my mother, wanting someone to vent
her anger on, went to Snake Mountain and would have started a
murderous rampage had my uncle not intervened. He managed to
convince her that it wasn't worth it.
Right after that I nearly died of pneumonia. I don't know what
my mother would have done if I'd died. She always kept me close
by. I slept in her room, in the cradle she herself had slept in when
she was a baby.
On my first birthday, however, my mother found that my father
was alive. Someone had pretended to be him and was killed doing
so. My father had had amnesia and had just regained his memory.
My parents wasted no time in providing me with a younger brother,
Julian, and the year after Julian was born, a sister named Tamara.
My uncle Adam married Teela, and when I was a year old my
cousin James was born, and five years after that they had a daughter
named Jessalyn.
So that's my background.
My Name is Annabelle
by Alexandra Spears
Chapter 1--Origins
My grandmother, the late Queen Marlena of Eternia,
once told me that my name combines two names, Anna and
Belle, meaning "graceful" and "beautiful," respectively. And
people have told me that it fits.
Lieutenant Marlena Glenn, as I have mentioned, was on a
space mission for NASA, as the Earth organization is called.
Grandmother once told me what the letters stood for, but I think I
forgot. Something to do with aeronautics. Anyway, she crash-
landed on Eternia, and my grandfather King Randor and his friend
Duncan, called Man-at-Arms, found her. Soon after they married,
and had twins--my mother, Princess Adora, and her brother, my
uncle, Prince Adam.