Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Campaign Setting
Nick Alimonos
Ten thousand years ago, an alien race known as the Zodiakians sent a colony to a distant planet known as Eternia. The planet was uninhabited at the time, lush with plant and animal life. And from this colony a highly advanced civilization grew, masters of both magic and technology. The Zodiakians explored time and space, making alliances and trading with other worlds throughout the universe. This civilization flourished for about 8000 years and by the end of this epoch, the Zodiakians had become masters of the universe.
It was at that time, 2000 years ago, that the phenomenon occurred. A nearby galaxy collided with their own, drastically altering the gravitational order of their solar system. Its effect on the planet was to stop its rotation. This, in turn, ended the changing of the seasons. The side of the planet facing the Eternian sun, known as the Bright Side, became hot. The seas dried up into immense clouds, and the forests became arid plains, dry and barren of life. Consequently, this immense plain became known as the Endless Plain. The opposite side of the world, the Dark Side, became a cold, dark plain. And these vast wastelands became known as the Dead Zones.
All the power and wisdom of the Zodiakians was not enough to save their planet. So they decided to move to another planet. There were few, however, who wished to remain on Eternia. For the world had not yet completely died. Life still flourished in that small strip of land between light and dark, between the two extremes of hot and cold. And so, as millions left into space, a handful of Zodiakians left their high-tech cities behind to colonize this small strip of land where life was possible.
Life had become harsh for the survivors of the cataclysm. After a time, the descendants of the remaining Zodiakians would forget their history, reverting to a state of barbarism, calling themselves Eternians. The great civilization of the Zodiakians was no more but myth.
When after 2000 years the population of the Eternians grew to great abundance, covering all the land between the Dead Zones, the people split. Those on the Bright Side fought against those on the Dark Side for land. Hence forth and for many centuries there was bloodshed. The armies of the Bright Side were known as the Eternian Royal Guard, and the armies of the Dark were known as the Horde. Many of these armies consisted not only of Eternians, but of bizarre alien races who had come to the planet accidentally via the magic portals strewn throughout the Dead Zones left by the ancient Zodiakians as a means of travel to other worlds.
It was during this time that the Eternians sought to possess power. For those who believed the myths, it was a race into the Dead Zones. Blacksmiths forged metal weapons from Zodiakian steel. Mages sought Zodiakian texts, and others found and learned to use high-tech weapons and vehicles, though 2000 year old working vehicles were rare and fixing them required an intellect lost in that age of barbarism to a select few.
The greatest ruin ever found intact was a Zodiakian fortress consisting of all the power and wisdom of the ancients. The fortress was seized by the Horde and rebuilt by brick and mortar. It was manned by an elite battalion led by a young mage known as Skeletor. Skeletor named the fortress, Castle Greyskull, reshaping the face of the castle to resemble his own, and remaining therein to study the ancient texts to become a great and powerful sorcerer.
But the power he conjured was too great for him to control, and as a side effect, the young mage melted his face off. And though he was without eyes, ears, nose, or mouth, he could still see, hear, smell, and speak. It was only his appearance that had changed. And so, the face of Greyskull was reshaped again in his new image.
As the Royal Eternian Guard waged war outside the castle, a mage by the name of Zodak appeared. His power dwarfed that of all others, for he was the last of the true Zodiakians, and he possessed all the wisdom of the ancients. Seeing how Skeletor planned to use his newly found power for evil, Zodak aided the Guard into capturing the castle and cast Skeletor and his minions back to the Dark Side.
Skeletor returned to the Dark Side using his newly found powers to overthrow the Horde ruler. And after having studied in the library at Greyskull, he learned of the magic portals left by the ancients, using this knowledge to summon the most powerful henchman in the universe, vowing someday to return and recapture Greyskull.
Meanwhile, Zodak recognized the family of Randor as the rightful heir to the throne of the planet. Randor established a new capital simply known as Eternia City, as Zodak helped teach the Guard what he could of the ancients magic and technology. He then returned to Greyskull leaving behind a holy sword for the King's newborn son who, according to Zodak, would someday grow to become a great king and warrior who would destroy the armies of the Dark Side and bring peace to the planet and the universe.
Zodak returned when the King's son, Adam, had grown to manhood. Zodak befriended Adam and taught him the ways of the paladin. Then, at great old age, the last of the Zodiakians died ascending into the heavens a god, leaving the secrets of the ancients in the hands of Adam . . . a hero now known as He-Man.
He-Man fought the armies of darkness on his own planet and abroad. Then, one day, after returning victoriously from war, he found his kingdom in ruin. Many challenged his right to the throne, and his arch-enemy, Skeletor, wished to destroy him.
And so, He-Man has many challenges set before him. As a paladin, he
must explore his planet, fight evil wherever he goes, vanquish the army
of Skeletor and establish himself as Master of the Universe. Eternian Character
Class Rules
General: All classes can go up to 30th level.
Fighter: Fighters are proficient in all weapons and in hand-to-hand combat (see martial arts rules) and in wrestling (see wrestling rules). But because laser weapons are rare, fighters must have special training to use them or shoot them at 1st level skill.
All Eternian paladins worship the god, Zodak, and use a red iron cross
for their holy symbol.
Mages/Clerics: Spells work in Masters of the Universe much differently than in any other campaign world. First of all, spell users do not need material components to cast their spells. All they need is to be able to speak the spell incantation. Clerics and paladins, however, DO need their holy symbols to cast clerical spells. Secondly, spell users can learn and use any spell from any spell school. Third, spell users need no casting time to cast their spells. Thus, a magic user can cast any spell on himself or on his opponent in one round even during combat. Four, high level magic users can decrease the magic resistance of other opponents by 5% for every level past 11th. Thus, a 20th level mage would lower another creature's magic resistance by 45%, so a monster with a 100% magic resistance would then be treated as having a magic resistance of 55%. And, lastly, a special rule needed to balance the power on Eternia, magic users are unable to enchant themselves with more than one spell at a time. For example, a mage stoneskinned cannot be enlarged, or a mage hasted cannot stoneskin himself until his other enchantment has worn off. All other rules, such as number of spells able learn and so forth, are as stated in the AD&D Player's Handbook.
Wands in Masters of the Universe are like artifacts, VERY powerful. They are held by the sacred few who possess great magical power. Such treasures are rare finds, remnants of the great Zodiakian civilization, ancient as they are powerful, as once held in the hands of the Zodiakian's highest officials. The advantage of using a wand is that, for one, it allows for magic users to cast an unlimited number of spells. However, spells cast from wands can only be those of a projectile nature, such as fireballs, lightning bolts, etc. Other spells cannot be contained in wands. Secondly, wands can increase the power of a spell up to a maximum of 18d6 damage. Thus, an 18th level mage with a wand could cast a fireball inflicting 18d6 points of damage instead of the maximum 10d6. If the mage is a god or if the spell is listed as a special ability, however, the power of the spell may be as high as the level of the PC, even up to 30th level. Usually, if a mage is stated as doing 18d6 points of damage, that mage is using a wand and not a laser gun.
Note, good Eternian clerics worship the god, Zodak. Their holy symbol
is either the red iron cross or a white or silver truncated trident head.
Evil Eternian clerics worship the god, Skullgrin. Their symbol is a human
skull with ram's horns.
Thieves: Thieves on Eternia operate much like regular thieves except
that they are knowledgeable in the ways of high-tech weaponry. All thieves
are allowed to use laser weapons with the same skill as daggers, and may
repair high tech machinery with the same percentage chance as removing
Strength: 9
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10
Charisma: 16
Class: Mage
Race: Eternian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 40
Armor Class: 10
THAC0: 13 (staff)
BLOCK: 10 / 11
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 1d6 +1 (staff) or by spell
Alignment: Lawful good
Special: Cannot be harmed by good or neutral creatures of animal intelligence,
The Sorceress is a kind, peace loving woman. She loves all things of nature, plants and animals, and often, can be found living among them as an animal. Of all her spells, none has she mastered more than, polymorph self, which she can perform at will as often as she wishes, turning herself into a deer, a fish, and most common, a zoar (a large Eternian eagle with a wing span of 6+ feet).
The Sorceress is said to be very old, one of the first defenders of Eternia and a long time friend of He-Man, though her origins remain a mystery; for she is a very reclusive individual. Yet, it is rumored that her knowledge of spells comes from the tomes of the Zodiakians themselves. It is even believed that she is not humanoid, but the last of an extinct, mysterious race of intelligent zoars wise in the ways of magic and in the ways of polymorphing into humanoid form.
All among the Eternian Royal Guard recognize the Sorceress in bird form,
and she keeps close contact with them via telepathy. Though she is nonviolent,
the Sorceress will always fly to the aid of any hero who may be in trouble
or need her assistance. Her magic powers have long been of help to many
ERG allies and have won her the highest respect among them. In human form,
the Sorceress appears as a middle-aged woman dressed in zoar feathers.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 16
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 19
Class: Fighter
Race: Eternian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 114
Armor Class: 8
THAC0: -1 (staff)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 3 / 2 / 2
Damage: 1d6 +2 x3 (staff +1) / 1d8 +1 x2 (composite long bow) /
1d6 +1 x2 (dagger)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Size: 5'3
Special: Nil
The beautiful and alluring, Teela, daughter of Man-at-Arms, seeks to
prove herself the greatest fighter and hunter in the universe, believing
women to be just as capable if not superior to men. Teela loves nature
and the outdoors and will often be found living in solitude with nature.
With bright green eyes and brown hair, Teela is a heart stopper for any
humanoid male. She has taken a vow of celibacy, however, believing her
power and chastity to be one and the same.
Moss Man
Strength: 18 (00) +3 +6
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 20
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 20
Class: Druid
Race: Moss man
Level: 22
Hit Points: 125
Armor Class: 10
THAC0: 5
BLOCK: 3 / 10
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d4 +6 (punch)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'
Special: -Hides in woods (camouflaged) 85%
-Regenerates limbs and hit points as ring of regeneration
-Suffers double damage from fire based attacks (saves vs. fire at -4)
-Druid spells and abilities
-Possesses absolute control over all plants, may communicate with plants as with the spell, speak with plants, and may cast any number of spells with the word, "plant," in it
-Can summon 1-20 treants (7-12 HD) to fight for him in 1d4 turns once per day
One humanoid species developed from moss, vines, and other moving plants.
These were known as the moss men, and their job was to control the population
on Thasos. At first, they accomplished this by destroying excess seedlings.
They learned exactly how much water each land could offer and allowed plantation
only enough for survival. Then, a species of tree developed intelligence,
with the ability to communicate with all other plants on Thasos. This intelligent
tree could talk, make facial expressions, and stood 50+ feet high and 20+
feet wide. These trees taught the moss men how to communicate with the
goddess of nature and with plants directly, and in this way, did they control
the production of seeds rather than destroy those already created. Soon,
a balance of power developed between the moss men and the talking trees.
For if they desired, the moss men's power to move could easily be used
against them. The trees, however, grew to be MUCH older and MUCH wiser
than the moss men, and they realized that the trees superior intelligence
was necessary to help cultivate the land and keep peace on Thasos.
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 15 +1
Charisma: 7 (18 to Beople)
Class: Ranger
Race: Beople
Level: 20
Hit Points: 78
Armor Class: -3
THAC0: -3 (mace) / -2
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 1d8 +8 (mace +1) / 1d4 +poison (stinger)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Size: 6'1
Special: -Swarm spell, Creeping doom, ranger spells and abilities
-May cast any number of spells with the words, "insect" or "swarm," in it
-Possesses control over all (non-humanoid) insects, may communicate with any insect
-Night vision, sight up to 100 yards, flight at movement rate 30
Hive is the home world of the bee people (beople). Anyone visiting Hive would be amazed at its geometrical complexity. From a distance, Hive appears as what it is, a giant bee hive the size of a planet.
The planet Hive is one of the most populated of all planets consisting of 1200 orders, each with their own ruler. But the supreme ruler of Hive lives in the deepest catacomb several miles underground. She is known as Queen Belana and she spends most of her day mating and laying eggs. For each order is also a sub-queen, 1200 in all, who lay thousands of eggs daily. Another unique aspect of the bee people is in their sex, for the bee people are divided into not two but three sexes, the males, the females and the drones. The political system on Hive works very much like a cast system but by sex. The females are the most intelligent and always of the upper class, females are also the most rare of the species. The males are the strongest but hold a middle class position. The unfortunate born drones, who have no sex, are the lowest class. Drones are the weakest and least intelligent and live in very poor condition. They spend most of their time working. Economically, however, the bee people are fundamentally equal and believe VERY strongly in equality for all within their own sex group. Crime and disobedience, however, is never tolerated, and any bee person caught not working is put to death. Bee people rarely go to war amongst themselves, but it does occur occasionally. Their most dreaded enemy, however, are those from the neighboring planet of Arachnia, especially the Mantis. When going to war, bee soldiers are expected to die in battle. Among other traits, bee people have the natural ability to fly.
Hose Nose
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 15
Class: Fighter
Race: Simbayanan
Level: 18
Hit Points: 108
Armor Class: 6
THAC0: -1 (ax) / 3 (freezing water)
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2 / 1 trunk hold / 1/3 freezing water
Damage: 1d8 +8 (fire ax +1)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'5
Special: -Immune to fire, Trunk hold (2d8 +9) / freezing water (12d4 +6)
-Extinguishes all flame (magical and non-magical), dispels fire elementals,
can conjure 1d4 water elementals (8-16 HD) in 1 turn once per day
Simbaya is a beautiful planet reminiscent of the India of old Earth. It is populated by a race of humanoid elephants.
The people of Simbaya are famous for their gentle, peaceful ways, and
their search for religious and spiritual enlightenment, violence and crime
is unthinkable. They live life much like the New Earthians but without
warlords to throw them into war. All humanoid elephants are vegetarian.
Therefore, the majority of them are poor farmers who spend their day working
and playing. To cool off, they like to spray themselves with water or just
bathe in mud. There are great structures built on Simbaya, however, all
in the name of religion, great vedic temples dedicated to the Hindu gods.
Simbayanans are devoutly religious in their worship of Hinduism, yet also
take a great interest in the sciences, literature and the arts. Simbayanans
love to paint, and evidence of their great sculpting techniques can be
found all throughout their vedic temples. It is believed that the ruler
of Simbaya, the Hindu god, Ganesa, created the planet to escape the stress
and conflict of being a god on the planet populated by the Hindu gods,
Brahmaloka. Ganesa desired only to find a place in the universe without
conflict or evil. When he could not find one, he created Simbaya, and populated
the planet himself with his own children that he conceived with mortal
women. Today, Ganesa rests within a massive vedic temple and is serviced
by his many Simbayanan servants. Indeed, Simbaya is a place of lasting
peace and tranquillity.
Rio Blast
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 9
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 10
Charisma: 18
Class: Fighter
Race: Eternian
Level: 11
Hit Points: 71
Armor Class: 8
THAC0: 10
BLOCK: 7 / 15
Attacks/Round: 6
Damage: 28d6, 9d6, 5d6 x2, 2d6 x2 (guns)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Size: 5'8
Special: Night vision
One day, while Rio Blast was out on his chili farm in the Endless Plains, he was attacked by a horde of stirges. Rio Blast, with nothing but his hunting rifle, tried to shoot them off, but he didn't scare them, and they ate his entire plantation. The next year, when the flock of stirges came back, he was ready. Rio Blast had gotten so mad, he had attached to his body ten guns! Needless to say, the thousands of stirges were cut to shreds.
The heaviest lasers he puts on his back, which sling over his head and across his shoulders. This is a coalition of four laser guns, two cannons doing 9d6 points of damage each, and two small doing 5d6. In front of his chest is another set of lasers which do a total of 9d6, and always shoot in front of where Rio Blast is standing. In each hand, Rio Blast carries a gun, each doing 5d6, and attached to his knees are another two, very little guns doing 2d6. Between these guns is a set of computerized binoculars, which Rio Blast uses to sight his targets. The lasers have been programmed so that wherever he turns his head, that is where they will fire. All of Rio Blast's guns shoot at a range of 1000+ yards; using his telescopic sight and good hand-eye coordination, Rio-Blast can see to shoot that far.
Usually, Rio Blast will come out charging with guns flaring in all directions. He doesn't like long fights, just a simple, quick annihilation of his enemies. These guns have a charge, however, so they can only be used a total of 20 rounds before needing recharging.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 14
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 13
Class: Ranger
Race: Bird man
Level: 18
Hit Points: 117
Armor Class: 7
THAC0: 3
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 9d6 (laser)*
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 6'
Special: *This attack is made as a spell from the palms of Stratos' hands, and can be made twice per round at will as often as he wishes, at a range of 200+ yards.
-Ranger spells and abilities
-Flight at movement rate 36
Imagine a planet entirely made up of blue sky and white clouds. Such is the planet of Ouranos, home of Stratos of the bird people.
Life on Ouranos is sparse but great in variety. The main source of vegetation is in air plankton, which float around in the atmosphere as in the oceans. Small vegetarian bird like creatures eat this plankton. In turn, they are eaten by larger predator birds. The largest birds on Ouranos measure about 60' in wing span. These larger creatures, unlike common birds, have no feathers. Their skin is reptilian and their appearance is more like that of a pterodactyl or a bat whose screeches can be heard for miles. There are other, larger, balloon like creatures which fill themselves with hydrogen and helium and just float in the air like big jellyfish.
The civilization of humanoid bird people arose from the mountains. Being necessary to survive, they learned to fly early on and have kept the secrets of flight for thousands of years. From the mountains did they build immense towers rising miles into the sky. These towers appear as golden long stemmed mushrooms with huge heads. A combination of lighter than air gasses, paper light material and jets enable them to stay aloft. The actual heads of the towers are large enough to hold a small city and bird people commune in the air between them, flying to and fro and spending very little time on land. Bird people are also unique in that very little war has broken out between them; they are generally peaceful. Their technology only consists of that needed for them to survive. The bird people also have a limited knowledge of magic, used primarily for nonviolent purposes.
Strength: 17 +1 +1 / 20 +3 +8 / 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 11 / 3 / 20
Wisdom: 15 / 9 / 1
Dexterity: 10 / 20 +4 +3 / 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 12 / 17 +3 / 20 +5
Charisma: 15 / 7 / 8
Class: Fighter
Race: ?
Level: 13
Hit Points: 102
Armor Class: -2 / -6 / -5
THAC0: 7 / 5 / 2 (fist)
8 / NA / 1 (gun)
BLOCK: 5 / 14
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 9d6 x2 (gun) / 1d4 +1, +8, +12 x2 (fist)
Alignment: Lawful good / Chaotic evil / Non
Size: 6'1
Special: (See below)
Perhaps the most complex and difficult to understand, is the being known as, Man-E-Faces. Having been inflicted at an early age by a horrible curse, Man-E-Faces is a split personality with three separate identities. Though he struggles to be a man, Man-E-Faces is also a monster and a robot. Note, however, that these changes do not come of his own free will. Originally, Man-E-Faces was possessed by only two personalities, a dark reflection of himself known only as "the monster." Then, in a desperate fight to control himself, he created a third person, a cold and heartless mediator, "the robot." No one can understand the organic and physical changes that seem to occur to him at a molecular level, nor has he ever been cured of this affliction.
The stats above are divided into three categories. The first are those of the man, the second are those of the monster, and the third are those of the robot. As a man, Man-E-Faces fights with a gun (20 rounds/1000+ yards), however, if he is made angry, he will turn into the monster, attacking with his fists. There is no telling what the monster side of him will do. Being chaotic evil, the monster has been known to attack his own allies and even join forces with Skeletor. If the monster is tamed, he will turn into the robot, and later, change back into the man. Man-E-Faces will turn into the robot if in a life threatening situation, if he drinks poison, runs out of air, comes near starvation, or is being crushed under a weight he cannot lift. As a robot, Man-E-Faces can sustain life at -10 hit points, (but cannot be healed or resurrected), has all the endurances of a robot, and does not need food or drink. If in battle, Man-E-Faces is reduced to 50 or less hp, he will turn into the monster, and become the robot if reduced to 25 or less. If he falls unconscious (below 0), Man-E-Faces will become human again when his hp reach 1 or above.
Strength: 16 +1
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 11
Charisma: 13
Class: Fighter pilot
Race: Eternian
Level: 12
Hit Points: 98
Armor Class: 1
THAC0: 7 (mace), 1 (optic blast)
BLOCK: 7 / 15
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d8 +3 (All Purpose Handy mace +2), 12d6 (optic blast)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 5'8-9'8
Special: Immune to damage and effects of swords of sharpness on 'to
hit' rolls of 20, vorpal weapons on 18, 19 or 20, and see below:
Mekaneck's State-of-the-Art armor:
1.) Lowers armor class to 1
2.) Armor blocks 10 attacks for 1d4 rounds (see Zodak's Guide to Special Abilities) must be recharged after use for 12 turns
3.) Equipped with the Teleport Button, acting on the wearer as the mage spell, teleport
4.) Allows radio communication with anyone in the universe via microphone
All Purpose Handy mace +2
1.) Small compartments in mace contain:
-Built in directional compass
-2 weeks supply of dehydrated food pellets
-200' of rope with hook shot
-Miniature all repair tool kit
-Emergency escape acid viles (burn through anything)
-5 miniature plastic explosives
2.) Functions:
-Button activates built in torch light
-Button activates cutting torch
-Switch releases dagger extension from handle
3.) Med. kit contains:
-2 viles of healing
-2 viles of cure poison
-2 viles of cure disease
Helmet of Virtual Reality:
1.) Fires beams of energy from goggles inflicting 12d6 points of damage at a range of 1000+ yards, but must be recharged after 20 rounds
2.) Target scope lowers THAC0 to 1 for all projectile attacks
3.) Telescopic vision for up to 1000+ yards
4.) Microscopic vision down to the atomic level
5.) Night vision (works in any amount of darkness)
6.) X-ray vision through 1 foot of any material
7.) Built in computer:
-Scans and records images and sounds for "perfect" memory playback
-Auto mapper
Mekaneck was an Eternian fighter pilot shot down during a battle in space. When his ship crash landed on Eternia, he suffered a broken neck and a partially disabled spinal chord. Salvaged by Eternian guards, Mekaneck, in critical condition, was rushed to a hospital. It was there that a doctor determined that it was a miracle that he still lived, but that his neck was shattered beyond repair, and that the damage to his spinal chord would permanently render him both blind and deaf.
When word of this reached Man-at-Arms, he empathized with the pilot's condition, but was convinced there was something he could do about it. And so, Man-at-Arms invented virtual reality. With the virtual reality helmet, a miniature camera would record the sights and sounds around Mekaneck and send them to his brain through a cerebral cortex-computer link, joined by a bionic neck that Mekaneck could extend and contract. Even though Mekaneck could not see the way he once did, the world to him appeared in a different yet equally stunning array of colors and computer graphics. The VR helmet also had its advantages, giving him greater sight in other ways, making him a valuable ally of the Eternian Royal Guard.
Strength: 13
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 16
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 11
Class: Fighter, inventor
Race: Eternian
Level: 15
Hit Points: 72
Armor Class: -7
THAC0: 6
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 1 / 2
Damage: 30d6 (cannon) / 1d8 x2 (mace)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 6'1
Special: Disintegration
Man-at-Arms, father of Teela, is one of the most important members of the Eternian Royal Guard. His genius gave rise to a new era of technology on Eternia, making Eternia the most advanced planet in the known universe. Man-at-Arms is the creator of such things as the laser gun, the space ship, the virtual reality helmet and Roboto.
Man-at-Arms tries to avoid melee combat if possible. Rather, he makes use of his high-tech weapons, destroying his enemies from a far. His six foot laser cannon can incinerate a person from 1000+ yards away. This weapon, however, must be recharged every 6 shots with a new power clip or become useless. If Man-at-Arms is forced into melee, he will fight with his mace, using his high-tech full plate armor +5 to protect him, lowering his Armor Class to -7.
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 1 -5 -6
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 12
Class: Fighter
Race: Rock man
Level: 16
Hit Points: 83
Armor Class: -7
THAC0: 5
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 2d10 (boulder) / 1d10 +special (solar gun)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: 5'3
Special: -Immune to fire, acid, poison and petrification
-Armor Class -10 in boulder form
-Stoneskin, Blindness
-Possesses absolute control over all earth elementals and earth based creatures (stone golems, galeb duhr, etc.)
-Can conjure 1d4 earth elementals (8-16 HD) in 1 turn once per day
For more information, see Rockon.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 14
Dexterity: 3 -4 -3
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 9
Class: Fighter
Race: Rock man
Level: 19
Hit Points: 99
Armor Class: -7
THAC0: 1 (boulder)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 2d10 +1 (boulder) / 1d10 +special (solar gun)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: 5'3
Special: -Immune to fire, acid, poison and petrification
-Armor Class -10 in boulder form
-Stoneskin, Blindness
-Possesses absolute control over all earth elementals and earth based creatures (stone golems, galeb duhr, etc.)
-Can conjure 1d4 earth elementals (8-16 HD) in 1 turn once per day
Life on Graniton, at first, seems non present, like any other dead planet. Beneath the surface, however, are vast tunnels and passageways leading to the nuclear core of Graniton. This nuclear core is what generates an ocean of volcanic magma, and it is from this ocean that life has somehow evolved. Though it was believed that no living organism could survive such temperatures, these life forms have, and have evolved out of this ocean of magma to form the rock people.
The rock people are made up of loosely connected stones that can shift
into whatever shape they desire, and likewise, have taken the form of humanoids
to better communicate with other races. The rock people are thought to
have no internal organs and no blood; it is believed that their bodies
run on pure energy alone. In their true form, the rock people are nothing
but large boulders.
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 16
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 16
Class: Fighter
Race: Thundercat
Level: 14
Hit Points: 96
Armor Class: 6
THAC0: 1 (nunchuka)
BLOCK: 5 / 14
Attacks/Round: 3 / 1/3 special
Damage: 1d4 +10 (nunchuka +3)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 5'8
Special: -Only surprised on a 1
-Once every 3 rounds, Panthro can use his nunchukas to cast a burning hands + cone of cold spell at the same time as a 14th level mage
-Move with silence 95%
-Can hear, smell, and see better than most humanoids
Little to nothing is known about the planet, Thundara, due to its destruction by a colliding asteroid. Of all its inhabitants, only two have survived and made their way to Eternia, Lion-o and Panthro.
The people of Thundara appear to have been a large race of humanoid cats. Some say they even evolved from cats the same way many humanoids evolved from apes. Regardless, the land of Thundara was once a place of violence. Bickering between the many sub-species of cat people, such as the lionmen, panthermen, cheetahmen, tigermen, and so on, caused much bloodshed. Legend had it that a magic sword, however, would appear and unite the planet and end the many wars. The sword was called, the Sword of Omens, and only the true king of the Thundercats could hold it. Testimony reveals that that king was Lion-o of the lionmen, who defeated all his opponents in battle, conquered the ruler of every other race, and united the kingdom under his rule.
The planet enjoyed ten years of peace and prosperity when the asteroid came. Only the panthermen had knowledge of its coming. But the race in power, the lionmen, did not trust the panthermen, and war broke out again. At the last moment before destruction, Lion-o and his highest officials left Thundara on board a ship. The trip took four hundred years after which time, they crash landed on Eternia. The cryogenics lab only kept four of the 20+ Thundercats alive: Lion-o, Panthro, Cheetarah, and Sabertooth.
Ram Man
Strength: 18 (57%) +2 +3
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: 13
Class: Fighter
Race: Eternian
Level: 14
Hit Points: 95
Armor Class: -5
THAC0: 3 (ax) / 2 (head)
BLOCK: 5 / 14
Attacks/Round: 2 / 1
Damage: 1d8 +5 x2 (ax +2) / 2d20 +6 (head)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Size: 6'4
Special: Takes 1/2 damage from bludgeoning attacks, invulnerable upper
torso, add +5 to attack effect roll with head, KO's on 'to hit' 20
This huge brute of a fighter is one of Eternia's oldest and greatest. Famous for his enormous, corpulent size, Ram Man can hurl his entire body, head first, into an opponent, crushing him with his 600 pound body. Ram Man also wears a tremendous iron helm +3, making him invulnerable from chest up and taking half damage from bludgeoning attacks.
Strength: 18 (98%) +2 +5
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 24 +6 +5
Constitution: 13
Charisma: 17
Class: Fighter
Race: Semi-god
Level: 20
Hit Points: 101
Armor Class: -6
THAC0: -1
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 6 / 1/3 specials
Damage: 1d4 +5 (punch)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 6'2
Special: -Immune to electrical attacks
-Creates cyclone when in combat or flight blowing away all gas and projectile attacks made in a 60' radius
-Rebound punch, Call lightning, Sandstorm spell
-May cast any number of control weather spells
-Possesses absolute control over all air elementals and air based creatures
-Can conjure 1d4 air elementals (8-16 HD) in 1 turn once per day
-Flight at movement rate 36
The only form of life on the planet, Jupiter, besides the divine, are a race of humanoids created by Zeus' offspring. Here did many mortal females succumb to the passions of Zeus and bear him children. These demi-god children were known as the First Generation, and in time, they had children of their own, and each generation from the First became less and less powerful.
Today, the First generation is long past and only the great descendants of the First remain. Regardless, even the newest generation of this race, possess the super humanoid powers to survive on Jupiter outside a biosphere. These blue skinned beings have the natural power to fly, change the pattern of the winds, call lightning, and are immune to wind and electrical damage. Great concern has arisen by the elders of the race, however, for many of the newest born are losing many of these abilities, and it is feared, that, if fresh genes are not submitted into the population, the whole race may die. Thus, petitioners have been sent to beg Zeus to have intercourse with the females of their race. But Zeus refuses to have intercourse for any purpose other than for his own personal pleasure, and
is repulsed by the concept of being used as a means to create stronger, more god-like children.
Strength: 21 +4 +9
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 15 +1
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: 18
Class: Paladin
Race: Palutinian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 124
Armor Class: -8
THAC0: -3
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d4 +9 (punch)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'3-12'6
Special: -Immune to sharp edged attack effects
+5 full plate armor
+3 shield casts: sanctuary, protection from normal missiles, and globe of invulnerability at 20th level once per day
-Push back punch, paladin spells and abilities
The only intelligent life on Palutina are the humanoid peoples of Palutina. These humanoids are much like Eternian humanoids save for their amazing physical flexibility. Their flesh has a unique elasticity which enables them to stretch far beyond the limits of normal humanoids. Scientists have attributed this, mainly to a unique plant found only on Palutina which, when eaten, alters the metabolism of the body to endure extreme stretching. Of course, it has taken millions of years of using it in their diet, to alter them to such an extreme. The greatest warriors of Palutina have actually turned stretching into a form of combat, the greatest fighters being able to stretch the furthest.
Otherwise, Palutina is a peaceful medieval kingdom with small villages and many brick castles. Technology here is high, but has taken a back seat to magic, which is considered to be of most importance. Knights can still be found on Palutina. Most of their time is spent jousting, but they may be called occasionally to tame an angry dragon. The supreme ruler of Palutina is the beautiful and beloved, Princess Palutina, who resides in a white and blue castle that sits on a hill rising out of a lake, and can only be reached by crossing over a golden bridge.
Unintelligent life forms of interest, are huge horses which stand 9
feet at the shoulder, commonly used for transportation.
Strength: 18 (00) +3 +6
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 21 +5 +4
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 18
Class: Fighter
Race: Thundercat
Level: 20
Hit Points: 146
Armor Class: 5
THAC0: -7 (sword) / -5 (claw) / 1 (lightning bolt)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2 / 2 / 2 / 1
Damage: 1d10 +11 x2 "Sword of Omens" (vorpal sword of dancing +5) /
1d6 +9 x2 (Lion Claw +3) / 1d10 +11, 1d6 +9 / 9d6 (lightning bolt)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 6'2
Special: Lion-o's Sword of Omens has the following additional abilities:
-Casts 9 die lightning bolt spells once per round when pointed
-Detects alignment within a 50' radius
-Detects evil in a 60' radius
-Detects traps with 35% chance in 10' radius
-Glass sphere on the sword's hilt, the Eye of Omens, gives sight of any image on the Prime Material Plane with 40% chance of success for 1d4 turns, and acts as a spell of true seeing when viewed through.
-Warns of danger in a 50' radius
-Summons and possesses absolute control over any feline creature: 10d10
cats, 2d10 great cats, or 1d4 smilidons can be summoned in 1d6 turns, or
any Thundercat (subject to distance)
-Lion-o's Lion Claw +3 enables him to climb shear walls as a thief with
a 95% chance of success.
It is said that Lion-o, Lord of the Thundercats, has the speed of a cheetah, the cunning of a panther, and the strength of a lion. Thus, he can sprint at movement rate 45, moves with silence at 95%, is only surprised on a 1, and due to his race, can even hear, smell, and see better than most humanoids.
For more information, see Panthro.
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 15 +1
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 16
Class: Fighter
Race: Eternian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 123
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -7 (fist), -6 (sword)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d20 +14* (fist +3), 1d10 +13 (sword +2)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 6'7
Special: *Does 2d20 on (S) size creatures, 1d20 on (M), 1d12 on (L), 1d8 on (H), and 1d4 on (G)
-Stuns S-M sized humanoid opponents on 'to hit' roll 18-19 with fist and knocks unconscious on 20
-Trips L-H sized humanoid opponents on 'to hit' roll of 18-20 with fist gaining an additional round of attack inflicting 2d20 with fist against 10-15 ft. creatures, 1d20 on 16-20 ft., and 1d8 on 21 ft. or greater
-Earthquake punch: All S-L humanoids within a 20' cone of Fisto punching
the ground must make a successful DEX. check or fall, lose one round, and
suffer 2d20 points of damage with fist
Fisto is famous for his great arm-wrestling ability, and legend has it, that his great arm has even been known to wrestle giants to the ground. Fisto's right hand is really a giant steel glove, which hits as a magical weapon for stunning and crushing damage and weighs over 500 pounds. It is said that Fisto lost his hand a long time ago to a samurai from New Earth. In their first battle, Fisto chopped the samurai's hand off. The samurai retreated but vowed to return and take his revenge. And then, one day, just as he had promised, Fisto was ambushed. The samurai had replaced his lost hand with a gold one, and after a long battle, defeated Fisto and chopped his hand off. The samurai left him to live in humiliation, but Fisto replaced his hand with an iron glove and went on to being one of Eternia's greatest champions, who has been arch-enemies with the samurai ever since.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 24
Wisdom: 1
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 24 +7
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Machine
Level: 20
Hit Points: 159
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: -7 (ax) / 1 (gun)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2 / 1
Damage: 1d8 +14 x2 (ax +2) / 18d6 (gun)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'
Special: Immune to poison, gas, cold, organically harmful acid, attack effects, fear, mind spells and petrification, night vision
Though he is a "machine," Roboto has all the emotions of any living thing, as programmed by Man-at-Arms. Likewise, Roboto is treated with the same respect as everyone else in the Eternian Royal Guard. Due to the fact that he has been programmed to help defend Eternia, however, Man-at-Arms has made Roboto loyal (follows orders without question), fearless (will fight to the death), and without pain, making for a most deadly adversary. Roboto also has a perfect, computer intelligence, able to calculate thousands of mathematical equations and memorize thousands of languages in seconds.
Roboto has been made with eternium, the hardest known substance in the universe, found only on Eternia. To all means possible, eternium is virtually indestructible. This and his great speed accounts for Roboto's excellent Armor Class. For battle, Roboto has been designed with a detachable hand, one that can be switched with a +2 battle ax or a twin barrel laser gun. This gun can be fired accurately over 1000+ yards, but must be returned to Man-at-Arms for recharging after 20 rounds. As a machine, Roboto need never eat or sleep and is never tired, for he is run by a battery that will last for the next 1000 years, making him the perfect guard of the Eternian Royal Palace.
Roboto only has one flaw: if he is ever damaged (has lost hit points)
he cannot heal himself by resting or by priest spell. If reduced to 0 or
less hit points, Roboto becomes inoperable. Only if brought back to Man-at-Arms,
or a thief/inventor with a 20+ intelligence and knowledge of robotics,
can he ever be repaired (have hit points restored). If reduced to -10 or
less hit points, however, Roboto is utterly destroyed and can never again
function (live). Though it is possible to build another Roboto, it would
cost 1,000,000 gp in raw materials and take 1d4 +2 years for a thief/inventor
of 20+ intelligence to build. Power Man
Strength: 25 +7 +14
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 23 +6 +3
Charisma: 17
Class: Fighter / Mage
Race: Freedan
Level: 19 / 12
Hit Points: 167
Armor Class: 6
THAC0: -5
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d4 +14 (punch)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'3
Special: Spells, flight at 50' (see below)
Vain and egotistical, Power Man is the greatest hero from the planet, Freeda. Before leaving the planet forever, he was heralded by his people as the greatest champion of absolute good. But he is forever marred with the agony of defeat by the evil god, Chaos, and his 7 demon minions. Now, Power Man seeks to put right what once went wrong by proclaiming his victory in the DarkWorld Games in the hopes of someday freeing his planet.
No one is certain how Power Man got his awesome, demi-god like power,
but it is known that his magical cape is what gives him the ability to
fly. This power is automatic and can be used at any time instantly. Power
Man can fly for days with this cape at a movement rate of 50'. He can also
use this power in conjunction with his awesome strength to lift things
of massive weight into the air.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 24 +7 +3
Charisma: 22*
Class: Paladin
Race: Eternian
Level: 17
Hit Points: 152
Armor Class: 6
THAC0: -8
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d8 +17* "Sword of Power" (holy sword +5)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'2
Special: *Charisma acts as a continual charm spell (-2 to save if humanoid male, -5 if seen nude)
-Radiates a continual 1" protection from evil spell
-Sword dispels all magic up to 17th level and creates 50% magic resistance in a 5' radius
-Immune to all diseases
-Makes all saving throws with +2 bonus
*Does an additional +10 points of damage on chaotic evil monsters
*Wounds made by sword cannot be healed through regeneration
-Detects evil within 60' radius
-Can turn demons and undead as a 15th level cleric
-Can cast 3- 1st level, 3- 2nd level, 2- 3rd level, and 1- 4th level cleric spells at 9th level
-Once per day, can lay on hands healing 34 hit points of damage
-Cure 3 diseases a week
Adora Randor was kidnapped when she was born by Hordak, taken from her parents and her twin brother, Adam, to the planet Etheria. There, she was raised to serve the Horde as a cruel conqueror. Only until her true form was recognized by Zodak, did He-Man go on a quest to save her soul. The most difficult part of his quest, was convincing her that she was, indeed, his sister, and that she could change and become the lawful good person she was meant to be. He had even brought for her a copy of his own sword given to him by Zodak. He told her that if she turned to the side of good, it would be waiting, for only a good paladin could use its powers. But after many weeks of trying, he left Etheria a failure. Still, she could not forget the love he had for her, a feeling she had never known, and at last, beheld the sword and became She-Ra. Though she was Eternian born, she remained on Etheria to defend its people and redeem herself by righting the wrongs of the Horde. On Etheria, she rides a pegasi with full hit points.
Strength: 25 +7 +14
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 25 +7 +4
Charisma: 21
Class: Paladin
Race: Eternian
Level: 30
Hit Points: 200
Armor Class: -5
THAC0: -11
BLOCK: 3 / 6
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d10 +19* "Sword of Power" (holy sword +5)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 6'3
Special: +2 plate mail armor
+1 shield
-Radiates a continual 1" protection from evil spell
-Sword dispels all magic up to 30th level and creates 50% magic resistance in a 5' radius
-Immune to all diseases
-Makes all saving throws with +2 bonus
*Does an additional +10 points of damage on chaotic evil monsters
*Wounds made by sword cannot be healed through regeneration
-Detects evil within 60' radius
-Can turn demons and undead as a 20th level cleric
-Can cast 3- 1st level, 3- 2nd level, 3- 3rd level, and 3- 4th level cleric spells at 9th level
-Once per day, can lay on hands healing 60 hit points of damage
-Cure 3 diseases a week
On Eternia, He-Man is famous for having done just about everything. In battle, he has single handedly defeated every villain, including Skullgrin! He-Man is the epitome of strength, fighting skill, and ingenuity. His feats are legendary and his tales unending. Even the gods praise his name.
With the Zodiakians gone and Zodak being the last of his race, it became too great a responsibility to watch the universe and guard Castle Greyskull. One man had to be chosen, one who could not fail any task. Adam Randor was chosen by Zodak, out of thousands of Eternian champions, to be this man, who would inherit a small portion of the Star Chamber power to defend the very powers of the universe itself.
Strength: 14
Intelligence: 22
Wisdom: 16
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 7
Charisma: 11
Class: Inventor, scientist
Race: Dwarf
Level: 1 HD
Hit Points: 7
Armor Class: 10
THAC0: 20
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: by weapon type
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 3'8
PLANE/WORLD: The Planet of the Land of Gall
Special: (see below)
The Cosmic Key is perhaps the greatest invention of the most famous dwarf inventor, Gwildor. The Cosmic Key has the power to teleport anyone and anything within a 10' radius to any location in the universe with 100% accuracy as long as the exact coordinates are known. Time and distance is not a factor. According to Gwildor, "distance, time and measurement are all part of the finite mind, but in the natural universe such concepts do not exist." So traveling 100 billion light years would be no different than traveling to the next room. These coordinates are recorded on the key as musical notes. Each location in the universe is said to have a particular set of notes (as discovered by Gwildor) that indicate its precise location. However, the Cosmic Key is incapable of figuring a location unless the key has been taken there. The key also has the power to open a gate to any place in the universe (as gate spell) even to other planes of existence, and to travel through time. The theory is that time and space are the same, and so traveling to a particular time and place is no different than traveling to any place in the present; it just takes a different set of notes. Since the key requires this knowledge prior to being used, it would be impossible for it to go back or forward in time to where it's never been. When traveling back in time, the result is similar to a reverse time spell. The PC's do not see themselves as they were an hour before, but rather find themselves where they were an hour before. Fortunately, every time the present is replayed, chances are that a different future will ensue. There is one limitation, however: the key is unable to travel back to the same time more than once. Like two magnets of the same charge repelling each other, if two Cosmic Key's meet, the result would be a cosmic explosion that would rupture the space-time continuum! Even if the PC's travel 2 hours back, for example, when the 1st hour comes, they will encounter their other selves and the end result would be the same.
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 24
Dexterity: 24 +6 +5
Constitution: 25 +7 +4
Charisma: 24
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Race: Aasimon, Solar
Level: 16 / 15
Hit Points: 177
Armor Class: -10
THAC0: -5 (sword) / 3 (arrows)
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 2d10 +16 x4 (vorpal sword of dancing +5) / 2d8 +13 x4 (arrows of slaying +2)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 9'
PLANE/WORLD: Mount Celestia
Special: +4 weapon to hit, 85% magic resistance, regeneration (7 hp), never surprised
-Radiates: sphere of protection from evil, protection from normal missiles, and minor globe of invulnerability in 70' radius
-Immune to: acid, cold, electrical attacks, gas, petrification, poison, charm, confusion, death spell, domination, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, and trap the soul
-Mage spells: (imprisonment, any polymorph, any power word, wish) all once per day
Life on Mount Celestia takes many forms, but most of these are the aasimon, or the souls of the dead who, in life, worshipped the god, Yahweh, and were granted an eternal existence with him. Thus, there is no death on Mount Celestia and almost no violence. Crime is at 0%. All of the aasimon living on Mount Celestia have one desire, and that is to ascend into the upper layers of the plane, for the higher they go, the closer they come to godliness. As the aasimon ascend higher levels, so do they become more and more powerful. At the final and highest layer, is the Illuminated Heaven, which can only be reached by crossing the Bridge of al-Sihal in the capitol of Yetsirah. Those entering the Illuminated Heaven are few, but are said to become god like in power and beauty. The solar race, considered the most powerful non-god race in the universe, are thought to be the main inhabitants of the Illuminated Heaven, having made their way up from Mount Celestia as aasimon and come down solar.
It is believed that Icarus, solar from Mount Celestia, was sent to the
DarkWorld Games in order to destroy Hordak and bring order back to the
universe. It is also thought that Icarus lives in the Illuminated Heaven
in a majestic palace, second only to the Temple of Olympus on Jupiter in
size. Zodak
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 25
Wisdom: 25
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 10
Charisma: 18
Class: Mage / Cleric
Race: Zodiakian, Intermediate god
Level: 30 / 30
Hit Points: 341
Armor Class: -13
THAC0: 1
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 18d6 x2 (spell) / 1d6 +5 x2 (Ram Staff +4)
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 5'10
Special: +3 weapon to hit, 75% magic resistance, spells
Zodak is the oldest and most powerful of the Eternian Royal Guard. However, his job as "Watcher of the Universe," is a large responsibility, thus he is unable to aid the planets in their struggle for freedom against the Horde Empire, unless the universe itself is threatened. Zodak is also the only known being with complete access to Castle Greyskull.
For a long period of time, Zodak was only half as powerful a magic-user. Though still an extremely powerful being, when Skeletor was cast into the White Void, Zodak retrieved the Ram Staff and all the power that Skeletor had taken from Greyskull, elevating him to intermediate god status among those of his race. He was greatly surprised to find, however, that even with his doubled might, the mysterious being known as, Skullgrin, could best him in magic.
When Skeletor returned from the White Void, he stole from Gwildor the Cosmic Key and used it to go back in time to a separate tangent in Eternian history, where he stole the Ram Staff from himself and returned to the present to wield it. This is why there are now two Ram Staves, one of good and one of evil.
Zodak appears in the form of a man holding a silver Ram Staff, wearing
the red Zodiakian cowl and a red suit of leather armor with the white Zodiakian
symbol, that of a trident head with flattened edges. There where his eyes
would be are two black circles full of stars.
Beast Man
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 8
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 5
Class: Fighter
Race: Beast man
Level: 17
Hit Points: 119
Armor Class: 7
THAC0: 0
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 1d4 +8 (whip +1)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'6
Special: Nil
The humanoid race of Eternians is divided into two sub-human groups.
These groups evolved differently due to the strange orbit of Eternia. The
first are the beast men, very primitive ape-like humanoids who reside in
the thick jungles of the Dark Side forests. The second are the reclusive
merpeople, salt water breathing humanoids who live beneath Eternia's Dark
Side oceans.
Strength: 12 / 18 (35%) +1 +3 (underwater)
Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 6
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 7
Class: Fighter
Race: Merman
Level: 18
Hit Points: 106
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: 2 / 1 (underwater) / 3 (net)
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2 / 2 / 1 net
Damage: 1d8 +1 x2 (reef sword +1) / 3d4 +4 x2 (trident +1)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Net, Pearl of Monster Summoning
Unknown to most Eternians is that Merman rules under the sea with an iron fist. He is seated upon his own throne and is worshipped by locathah, sahuagin and merpeople. There, he secretly builds an army to rise up and crush the forces of his master, Skeletor.
On land, Merman uses his reef sword +1, but underwater he is much more powerful, with an 18 (35%) strength and a +1 trident. If encountering large numbers of enemies, Merman will use a large fishing net, catching 1d6 human sized creatures with any successful 'to hit' roll. Those not aimed at by the net must make a successful dexterity check or be trapped. Not even a strength of 24 can free someone from this net, but a sharp edged weapon of +1 enchantment or better can cut it.
Merman also possesses the Pearl of Monster Summoning, a large, fist sized pearl which enables him to contact any sea creature telepathically and call it to fight by his side. With it, Merman can summon up to 4-16 greater seawolves, one afanc, one verme, and one kraken in 1d4 rounds. Merman can also summon his pet leviathan, a creature which he can call only in his underwater lair in 2 rounds. The leviathan appears as a gargantuan octopus with 219 hit points, can attack 8 times per round inflicting 4d10 points of damage with each tentacle, has an AC of 0 and a THAC0 of 1. It can also grapple its opponents and squeeze them for 4d10 each round they are in its grasp. To break free, an opponent must roll a higher wrestling total as if the leviathan had a 25 strength, or have its limbs severed if 15 hit points or more are taken off each one. It will only die, however, if 100 hit points or more are taken off the body.
For more information, see Beast Man.
Trap Jaw
Strength: 13
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 5
Class: Thief
Race: Salusian
Level: 14
Hit Points: 117
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 14
BLOCK: 10 / 14
Attacks/Round: 2 / 1
Damage: 9d6 x2 (gun) / 1-100 (missile)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'4
PLANE/WORLD: Salusa Secundus
Special: 4 missiles (round to change weapons)
No life has ever or could ever evolve on this planet. However, Salusa Secundus is home to a great population of prisoners from all over the universe. The planet was thought the perfect solution to neighboring solar systems prison space and prison escape problem. However, rumors have it that the ruler of the planet is secretly developing a new race of people born on Salusa and is planning to build an army of his own to invade neighboring planets with intelligent life. The desire for a better life and the overall man power found on Salusa is a threat that the other neighboring planets financing Salusa did not conceive of. Other rumors speak of tyrant dictators from other worlds coming to Salusa willing to pay any amount for strong prisoners to add to their armies.
Life on Salusa is dark, dismal and depressing. For most prisoners there is no hope and many end up killing themselves in despair. The dungeon of Salusa Secundus is so vast that it covers the entire surface of the planet. Many have sought a way out through these dark corridors, believing there to be something more to the planet than black stone walls and floor. Their only escape, however, leads them to the surface and to instant death (either by freezing cold or extreme pressure change causing them to explode).
Prisoners sent to Salusa usually form their own communities or gangs. Many of those prisoners are actually natives of the planet, having been born on Salusa. The reason being, that the Government of United Criminal Justice law states that for every person a criminal murders, that many generations of his children will remain serving life sentences on the planet. And, since males and females are thrown on to the planet together, generations upon generations may be raised by one prisoner.
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 10
Class: Fighter
Race: ?
Level: 18
Hit Points: 118
Armor Class: -1
THAC0: -4
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d10 +13 (sword +2)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'5
Special: -Always wins initiative, never surprised, immune to all illusions
-Always under the influence of detect invisibility, detect scrying, and true seeing
-Sight up to 1000+ yards, night vision, X-ray vision
Tri-Clops, also known as the Demon Hunter, was discovered while fighting a band of demons on an alien world. Skeletor summoned Tri-Clops and goaded him into fighting He-Man. Needless to say, He-Man came out victorious, but at the hands of Tri-Clops, walked away limping.
Tri-Clops only has one true eye, but wears a magic helmet which gives
him another two. These three eyes have many special abilities. One is used
to see the natural. Another can see into the immediate future, so Tri-Clops
always wins initiative and is never surprised. The eye also dispels all
illusions, allows Tri-Clops sight as if under a continual detect invisibility,
detect scrying, and true seeing spell, and gives him sight of things on
other planes. The third eye can see up to 1000+ yards, in complete darkness,
and through 1 ft. thick of any material. Stinkor
Strength: 13
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12
Charisma: 1
Class: Fighter
Race: Stinkonian
Level: 12
Hit Points: 56
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 9
BLOCK: 7 / 15
Attacks/Round: 2 +special
Damage: 1d4 (punch) +special
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'6
Special: Continual poison cloud in 10' radius (1d4/round)
Stinkon is one of the only known planets not to have a spherical shape. Instead, Stinkon is a more elliptical, egg shape. Stinkon is home to a race of humanoid skunks, which are the butt of every joke in the universe. Prejudice against the skunk people, in fact, has left them bitter and kept them at a lower class in the universe.
The inhabitants of Stinkon can sometimes be found riding gigantic versions of the common ordinary skunk. Though the skunk people excel in technology, their terribly bad odor repulses even the most conforming aliens. This also has an advantage in that, no conquerors have ever been able to stand the smell of Stinkon long enough to invade it nor would any conqueror want to conquer it. Unfortunately for the Stinkonians, they have little understanding of the word "odor" nor do they understand why other alien species tend to stay away from them. The Stinkonians are also terribly weak fighters, and their champion sent to the DarkWorld Games is by far the worst rated of them all.
Anyone coming within 10' of Stinkor fall under the effects of his stinking, poison cloud, losing 1d4 points of damage every round until they are dead, or until the stench can be removed by running water. Leaving this cloud or killing Stinkor will not stop the hit point loss, for the stench seems to stick to those subjected to it and cause others coming within 10' of those effected by it to also be effected.
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 13
Charisma: 10
Class: Thief, inventor
Race: Arachnid
Level: 15
Hit Points: 92
Armor Class: -3
THAC0: 13
BLOCK: 10 / 13
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 9d6 (gun)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'7
Special: Grappling hook, poison bite
The population on Arachnia is small compared to Hive, primarily due to the frigid cold temperature and scarcity of food. The life evolved from underground lakes and rivers beneath the surface. Vegetation can be found only in the very deepest depths of the planet where the smaller insects feed. These insects are in turn eaten by larger and larger insects. The largest insect creatures found on Arachnia are 50' tall. These gargantuans are hunted down by the four groups of humanoid insects. These groups are, from most to least dominant: the Arachnids of the Xenon Nation, the Mantis of the Volans Kingdom, the Ant people of the Sagitta tribe and the Mosquits of the Pyxis tribe. Other smaller sub-species of insect humanoids exist but are too uncommon to mention.
Among these four groups does constant war pervade. Each of them live
in their own divided territories and cities. Their technology is surprisingly
high, having knowledge of laser weapons and the power of space travel.
This technology even exceeds that of Hive, but their economic, political
and social knowledge is extremely poor. At times, one of these groups decides
to invade Hive in order to obtain its precious resources: food and other
raw materials. Though their technology far exceeds that of the bee people,
however, their disorganization, lack of communication and the overwhelming
number of bee people makes their expeditions futile. The most powerful
being on Arachnia is the Dark Queen Black Widow, who resides in a city
made entirely of spider webbing, a material many times stronger than solid
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 12
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 10
Class: Fighter
Race: Crustacean
Level: 20
Hit Points: 115
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -4
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d20 +11 (bludgeoning)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'6
PLANE/WORLD: Crustacea
Special: Can block with claw, death on 'to hit' 20
It is rare to find life on any land, but the land dwellers that do exist are by far the most powerful on Crustacea. They hold the upper hand because the land dwellers can attack their enemies underwater and then retreat to make their plans and stockpile their weapons in a place where their aquatic foes cannot reach them. Thus, the dominant races of Crustacea have been of the hard shelled crustaceans, who consist of many sub-species such as the lobster crustaceans (the most powerful) the crab crustaceans, the snail crustaceans and many more sub-species too numerous to mention. Among the crustaceans have wars broken out. Their numbers are small, however, and battles between them are more on a tribal level. These battles usually occur over precious land. The other intelligent underwater races of Crustacea consist of the sahuagin (fish people), the mermen, the locathah, the octopods and the non-humanoid but very intelligent whale species. Each of these species live on a separate continental shelf divided by massive deep sea trenches. Though the fish people have the power to fight on land, their bodies cannot sustain the absence of moisture for long periods and they are unable to make their homes there. This, of course, has given the crustaceans the advantage and has made them rulers of the ocean. Life in these oceans has evolved much like life evolved on most planets with water, except for the scarcity of land, which has obviously forced the majority of the life to live beneath the waters.
The capitol of Crustacea is Reef City, where the seat of power rests
on a massive castle made entirely of sea shells. Upon the throne sits King
Crabthorn, the lobster crustacea, who rules all the other races but with
very weak control. Though he commands the crustacea armies, the other races
of Crustacea resent his rule and struggle to free themselves from him.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 1
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 15 +1
Charisma: 18
Class: Fighter
Race: Machine
Level: 16
Hit Points: 71
Armor Class: -3 / (see below)
THAC0: -2
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 2 / see below
Damage: 1d10 +13 (pseudo Sword of Power +1) / (see below)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'3
Special: Immune to poison, gas, cold, organically harmful acid, attack
effects, fear, mind spells and petrification, Clone, night vision
When Skeletor created Fakor, it was to fool the Eternians into thinking that Fakor was He-Man. This way, Skeletor would have the perfect spy on the Eternian Royal Guard. In time, however, the Eternians learned to spot the real He-Man from the fake, and Fakor was no longer useful. And so, assembling all his dark magic, deep within a secret dungeon, Skeletor conjured a spell that made Fakor a much deadlier opponent. Fakor appears like that of a cross between He-Man and Skeletor. He has the body of He-Man, but with orange hair and blue skin. He wears armor like Skeletor's and carries a sword that looks similar to the Sword of Power save for its orange hue. Fakor's new power enables him to assimilate any character under 12' tall in 1 round as long as he has seen and touched that character before. The knowledge, mannerisms, and appearance of the character are cloned, making him impossible to tell apart from the real character. Strength, dexterity, Armor Class, Attacks/Round, and Damage become the same, including special abilities. Fakor cannot, however, copy Hit Points, THAC0, or magical abilities. For example, Fakor could turn into Grizzlor, attack 3 times per round inflicting 1d8 +14 twice and 1d12 +14, but could not turn into Skeletor and cast spells. Furthermore, Fakor's sword always acts as +1, even though it too can morph into any non-projectile weapon. For example, if Fakor copies Lion-o, his sword will not become +5 or have vorpal capabilities. It will, however, look like the Sword of Omens and inflict 1d10 +11 points of damage with Fakor's strength bonus making up for the difference. In cloned form, Fakor cannot be harmed in any way. He can, however, be forced to turn back into his true self if he suffers more than 4 hits of any attack. Fakor may choose to morph again, but will be vulnerable to one round of attack when he morphs, whether it be in the beginning or the end of the round.
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Draconian
Level: 19
Hit Points: 99
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: 2
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 1 / 1/3 special
Damage: 5d6 (gun)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Dragon breath (12d10 +12)
The intelligent life of Krynn consists of four main humanoid groups:
the humans, gnomes, dwarves, elves and the minotaurs. Many other sub-species
exist but are too uncommon to name. Technology on Krynn is at the medieval
level but their knowledge of magic is extremely high. An intelligent race
of dragons also resides on Krynn but did not originate from the planet,
but from a plane of existence known as Baator. Their coming gave rise to
a new sub-species of humanoid once non-existent on Krynn, the half human,
half dragons, known as the draconians.
Strength: 22 +5 +10
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 6
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 10
Class: Fighter
Race: Lizard man
Level: 20
Hit Points: 111
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -6 (spear), -4
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d6 +12 (spear +2), 1d20 +10 (tail)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'2
Special: Tail hold
In the first epoch, life flourished on Repton primarily in the form of reptiles. Repton was home to many great animals including snakes, lizards, frogs, alligators, and most significantly, dinosaurs. Two intelligent humanoid life forms evolved on Repton: the lizard men and the snake men. The lizard men preferred to live in the swamps and hunted in tribes using primitive wooden weapons such as spears and arrows. The snake men weren't much different, except, when the desert metamorphosis began, they chose to go out and adapt to the new environment. This decision is what, in many thousands of years, would give them dominance over the lizard men. For as the swamps and jungles disappeared, so did the lizard men migrate further into the jungles. Soon, however, the jungles were not sufficient in size to support their population and the lizard men began to die. Some of them attempted to live in the desert but were too late. They hardly had the ability to evolve in such short time.
Strength: 18 (61%) +2 +3
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 6
Class: Fighter
Race: Spike fiend
Level: 16
Hit Points: 97
Armor Class: -5
THAC0: 3, 5 (lightning prod)
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 1d12 +4 x2 (club), 12d8 +6 (lightning prod)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'3
PLANE/WORLD: Xyrzitz 2
Special: Body spikes
The main intelligent life on Xyrzitz are the spike fiends, who rule over the planet with an iron fist. Four various groups of spike fiends are at constant war with each other and high-tech weapons of every kind are used. The most powerful of the four groups are the Cepheus spike fiends, who have established astral bases to orbit their planet and other bases on neighboring dead planets. Their combined armies number in the millions, but then again, 90% of the male population of spike fiends is in the army. Female spike fiends are not allowed in the army nor are they treated in humanitarian ways. Females are considered useful for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to procreate. Most spike fiends keep their females stripped of clothing and chained to the floor. Since spike fiends are covered with spikes, sexual intercourse is always a painful experience for female spike fiends, making it necessary to rape for childbirth. A male spike fiend is not born with his spikes, however, but grows them gradually as he gets older. The older the spike fiend, the longer and more pointed his spikes become. Spike fiends are born blue, but as they get older, turn more and more reddish in color. A middle aged spike fiend is thus purple in color whereas an old fiend is dark red. The only other intelligent race to be found on Xyrzitz are the dwarves, brought from other planets to be used as slave labor. Dwarves are forced to mine the planet for precious metals and build weapons for the war. Punishment for not working is given with spiked chains.
The supreme ruler of the Cepheus spike fiends is Zaibos Maximus, a huge, red spike fiend with spikes two feet in length. Zaibos Maximus is a harsh, militant ruler with little compassion and a love for pain and bloodshed. Though he is far more powerful than his champion, Spikor, Zaibos does not wish to enter personally into the DarkWorld Games. He believes his position on the throne of Xyrzitz to be too great to lower himself amongst the ranks of mere gladiators.
Strength: 22 +4 +10
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 13
Class: Samurai
Race: New Earthian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 135
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: -5 (sword), -6 (hand)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d8 +12 (sword +2), 1d20 +13 (hand +3)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'7
Special: Stun on 'to hit' 20 for 1d4 rounds
The people of New Earth spend most of their day fishing, farming and meditating. They live humble, peaceful lives. Many of these people are religious leaders or monks, who live in seclusion among the hills in great temples and spend most of their day praying. All of these people, however, live under the rule of their warlord. The warlords of New Earth divide the land amongst themselves. They adorn themselves in wealth beyond imagination and build great cities of wealth unto themselves. Unlike the commoners, the upper class of New Earth are warriors, artists, explorers and thinkers. They rule over the commoners and carry out the decree of the warlord. Most of these warriors are the honorable samurai. But many of these are the ninja, assassins for hire used to assassinate other warlords of neighboring lands. And yes, many wars have broken out between warlords over possession of this land. However, all of these warlords must answer unto the Emperor Iroku Saganaki. Since the Emperor has very loose control over the warlords, however, they usually do whatever they wish. It is rumored, however, that somewhere among the Great Mountains live the gold dragons. Commoners are fond of worshipping and offering sacrifices unto the gold dragons. Some warlords even suspect the Emperor of being a gold dragon himself.
It is believed that Ninjor, henchmen of Skeletor, is actually an assassin for Warlord Tseng Liu of the Red Dragon Dojo, who followed Jitsu to Eternia in order to assassinate him, so that Tseng Liu can get back at his old nemesis Warlord Ku, whose head samurai was Jitsu.
Strength: 13
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 15 +1
Charisma: 1
Class: Cleric
Race: Undead
Level: 16
Hit Points: 55
Armor Class: -7
THAC0: 6
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d12 +4 +any special (scythe +4)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'1
PLANE/WORLD: Necropolis
Special: +3 weapon to hit (no strength +), immune to all and attack
effects, Fear paralysis (save -3), Dexterity drain, Death curse, Possession,
Scareglow is an ethereal undead being of great power. He cannot be harmed by any physical or magical attacks or weapons under +3 enchantment. All such attacks pass through him as if he were a vapor. Even those weapons of +3 enchantment or greater have only the power to disrupt his ethereal form, so damage bonus due to strength is negated. For example, the Sword of Omens would only do 1d10 +5 points of damage. Scareglow can also be harmed by healing spells, and would utterly be destroyed by a resurrection or raise dead spell. Only a 20th level cleric or higher can attempt to turn Scareglow as special undead.
If reduced to 0 hit points or less, Scareglow will not die, but simply vanish, leaving his cloak and scythe behind. He who strikes the final blow to destroy his form, however, will immediately fall under Scareglow's Death curse. If Scareglow fails to possess any one of the party members who destroyed him, he will reform in 3 days to take his revenge.
Scareglow can use any spell as a 16th level cleric and fights with a
long spear like scythe +4. He also wears a +4 robe of invisibility. All
those struck by the scythe lose 1d4 points of dexterity, but Scareglow
also has the power to channel any evil cleric spell through his scythe
and attack at the same time. For example, if Scareglow wished to cast harm
on his victim, he could attack, and the victim struck would have to make
a successful saving throw or be reduced to 1 hit point. Note that when
using a cleric spell with his scythe, Scareglow cannot employ his Dexterity
Strength: 18 (76%) +2 +4
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 9
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: 15
Class: Fighter
Race: Salusian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 136
Armor Class: 4
THAC0: -3
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d8 +6 (sword +2)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'8
PLANE/WORLD: Salusa Secundus
Special: Nil
Those born on Salusa are raised in a hellish world where they are taught the ways of evil and power. Mutant children from cross breeding prisoners also tend to develop more terrible beings, perfect for the army of a psychopathic dictator. For the law of Salusa Secundus is "might makes right". And the wardens of the planet could care less about any wrong doing. Anyone being raped, murdered, or tortured is ignored, as long as he is not the warden or the prison ruler. And, since there is no where on the planet to escape to, the Salusians are allowed to wander around wherever they wish. They do not, however, wander too far. For they know that they must return for the food and water that only the wardens can provide. Many times have prisoners attempted to attack these wardens. These prisoners end up being punished, however; being put to clean the dungeon.
There are rumors, however, some call them legends of Salusa Secundus,
of prisoners actually having escaped. The myth has it that there is a nearby
asteroid belt, and within one of these asteroids is a huge cave secretly
being used by a gang of space pirates to harbor their ships. These pirates
roam the universe looking for transport vessels to plunder, and sometimes,
land on the planet surface to look for criminals wishing to join their
gang. Two of these pirate escapees may be Trap Jaw and Blade, who claim
to be prisoners from the planet Salusa Secundus.
Two Bad
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 12 / 3
Wisdom: 17 / 13
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 10
Charisma: 12 / 11
Class: Fighter
Race: Mutant
Level: 17
Hit Points: 117
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 1
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d10 +7 (punch)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 7'
PLANE/WORLD: Miaplacidus
Special: Nil
Life was discovered on Miaplacidus by a mad scientist, also known as the Black Biologist, Dr. Jaseline Zbigniew, who had been practicing forbidden sciences such as: cloning, creating new life forms out of protoplasmic matter, mixing different species to create new species, bringing dead organic tissue back to life, and dabbling in disease and virus making. When Zbigniew learned of the planet, Miaplacidus, he ignored the warnings and raced there immediately. The amino acids and protoplasmic matter available there would allow him to perform experiments never before imagined. The opportunity was just too tempting.
Upon reaching the planet, Zbigniew went to work collecting tissue samples and testing the organic matter. Quickly, he began experiments using the new matter and developed unspeakable monstrosities that could not survive. The few beings that did live, however, Zbigniew kept locked in a cage, performing cruel and unusual tests on them. Only one of these beings, a two-headed cross breed of two independent races, escaped from Zbigniew's laboratory and into space with Zbigniew's space craft.
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 8
Charisma: 18
Class: Mage
Race: Eternian
Level: 18
Hit Points: 38
Armor Class: 10
THAC0: 15
BLOCK: 10 / 12
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 18d6 (wand)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Spells, morphing
In her true form, Evil-lyn is an ugly, old hag. She will always appear, however, in the form of a stunningly beautiful woman, for it was her desire to look beautiful and no longer grow old that started her young on the path of black magic. Because she never appears in her true form, Evil-lyn can look like any woman, changing her body from day to day like one changes his clothes, so it is nearly impossible to recognize her. Sometimes, she can even fool others by morphing into women that exist, like Teela or She-Ra.
If at all possible, Evil-lyn will never engage combat. She is always guarded by 3d10 doom guards, and even still, will use any means of witchcraft necessary to escape direct confrontation.
The true threat of Evil-lyn is in her cunning. Evil-lyn is infamous
for her diabolical plots, and her lair will always consist of traps and
armies of darkness ready to crush invaders. When fighting Evil-lyn, illusion,
confusement, and horrible, campaign ending surprises are common.
Strength: 18 (90%) +2 +4
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 3 (18 to evil)
Class: Fighter / Mage
Race: Pseudo Undead
Level: 18 / 26
Hit Points: 188
Armor Class: -6
THAC0: -4 (sword) / -3 (staff)
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 1 / 2 / 2 / 2
Damage: 18d6 (spell) / 1d10 +9 x2 (Sword of Power +5) / 1d20 +9 x2 (claws +5) /
1d6 +8 x2 (Ram Staff +4)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'2
Special: Immune to all forms of special (non-hit point damaging) undead
attacks, spells
Once, when Skeletor was very young, he had a face. And Skeletor trained skillfully with the sword and in the black arts of magic, until he found a staff with a ram's skull upon it. As soon as he touched the staff, the energy of the Star Chamber flowed through him, and he dared look into its brilliance and his face was melted away. When he returned to his master, Hordak, he thought perhaps his Ram Staff to be even more powerful than his master's Bat Shield. Unfortunately for him, he did not yet have the knowledge to wield his newly found power properly and failed to destroy his master. Even still, he took everything that Hordak had taught him and conjured an army of his own, and forever since, looked upon Hordak as an enemy.
"And with that, you and your wife stare in disbelief and terror, as the face of the old man melts away revealing nothing but bone white skull, and at that same instant, he enlarging to a height high above your head. His old brown rags fall to the ground, armor taking its place; his pale white flesh turns blue; his wrinkled skin firms into muscles, and a druid like hood drapes over his head. With a flash of blinding, swirling colors, a staff appears in his left hand topped by a dreaded ram skull.
Then, he speaks, his empty eye sockets lighting up like candle flame with each syllable, 'Fools! I am Skeletor, Lord of Destruction!' And with that, he knocks his ram staff against the ground, bolts of white flame dancing along its shaft causing the small house to shudder, as if the overwhelming presence was too much for it to sustain."
-excerpt from The Symbol
Tongue Lasher
Strength: 14
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 10
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 11
Charisma: 9
Class: Thief
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 20
Hit Points: 81
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 8 (rod), 11
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d8 +3 (Rod of the Serpents +3), 1d4 (punch), 5d6 (gun), 1d4 (tongue)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 6'
Special: Poison at -2
The snake men had used the desert to expand their intelligence. With the sand and rock they built stone tools and weapons. Soon, the snake men had even learned to domesticate the dinosaurs. Using the power of the brontosaurus at their command, huge stone monuments were built, along with stone temples, cities, and palaces. It wasn't long before the triceratops and stegosaurus became common use in desert travel. This increased mobility enabled them to expand their empire and build bigger and stronger structures. Still, they were always sure to build close to a source of water or to a nearby jungle.
In battle, Tongue Lasher uses his Rod of the Serpents, a weapon used
by many of the snake men under the rule of King Hiss. It is a long metal
staff intertwined by a sculpted snake. These rods do 1d8 points of damage
and hit with +3 enchantment. Any kind of snake, humanoid or animal, looking
upon the rod, fall under the complete control of the wielder. Only King
Hiss or another snake man with a similar rod can resist this charm effect.
In addition, anyone holding the rod instantly becomes immune to poison
and is cured of all poison based afflictions. The Rod of the Serpents is
also used by many spell casters as a holy symbol or a material component.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 10
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 3
Class: Fighter
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 15
Hit Points: 97
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 2 (rod), 5
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 1d8 +4 (Rod of the Serpents +3), 1d4 +1 (punch), 1d12 +1 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 5'9
Special: Poison at -2
In the final years of the 1st epoch, a snake man by the name of Seth
came from the desert and proclaimed to be Pharaoh of Repton. He equivocated
himself to a god and many historians say that, indeed, he was a god. Seth
organized the snake men into one great empire and built as a symbol of
his glory a massive stone pyramid. Seth was responsible for teaching the
snake men the ways of magic, cleric spells, and explained that the loss
of the plants would eventually cause their doom unless they worshipped
the gods, who were angered (by his account) and had issued punishment on
Repton. Seth died but was succeeded by a long line of descendant pharaohs.
A temple to Seth was built and the priests of Seth watched for the signs
of the end of the world. The signs would be, as Seth had so prophesied:
the disappearance of the dinosaur, the changing of the atmosphere, and
most importantly, the changing of the moon. When these changes began to
occur, the priests of Seth brought this attention to Pharaoh King Hiss,
who at first did not believe. Then, when the land was so little that the
snake men began to starve, the Pharaoh took notice and decreed that continual
sacrifices be made unto the gods until the swamps returned. Rituals were
performed, thousands died, but the land did not return. At last, in a desperate
attempt to escape extinction, King Hiss stepped down from his throne and
abandoned his empire to find a new home. He took with him a thousand snake
men and in a huge ship sailed frozen in space for countless years. All
that remained of Seth's great empire were the abandoned cities, the pyramid
of Seth, and the desert, littered with skeletons of the once great dinosaurs.
For more information, see Tongue Lasher.
Strength: 20 +3 +8
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 9
Dexterity: 18 +4 +2
Constitution: 13
Charisma: 1
Class: Fighter
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 15
Hit Points: 69
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 3
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d4 +8 (punch) x2, 1d8 (bite), 5d6 (gun)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Constriction (1d20 +8 or 2d20 +16), poison at -2
Sssqueeze appears like that of a yuan-ti boa constrictor, with light
green scales and expandable, 8 foot, snake like arms that he uses to grab
and crush his opponents. Blast Attack
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 1
Dexterity: 15 +1
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Machine
Level: 17
Hit Points: 120
Armor Class: -8
THAC0: -4
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d12 +14 (halberd +2)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 6'
Special: Immune to poison, gas, cold, organically harmful acid, attack
effects, fear, mind spells and petrification, explodes when killed (20d10),
night vision
Blast Attack is a powerful robot invented by King Hiss in order to give the snake men the extra man power needed to contend with Skeletor's armies and the Horde Empire. Though Blast Attack may seem like any ordinary robot, he is, in actuality, a bomb ready to explode. For if Blast Attack's hit points ever reaches 0 or below, he will explode, causing 20d10 points of damage to all creatures within a 100' radius.
Cobra Khan
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 11
Class: Fighter
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 20
Hit Points: 127
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 1 (gun)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2 +special
Damage: 9d6 (gun)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 6'
Special: Poison spit at -2
One of the oldest and most famous of all snake men, Cobra Khan was at one time a henchman of Skeletor, known as the "Master of Serpents." He was also thought to be the last surviving yuan-ti on Eternia, relative of the great King Hiss.
After discovering a magic portal within Snake Mountain that freed King Hiss from the White Void, however, Cobra Khan turned on his current lord and joined the master of his race. Due to his inside knowledge of Skeletor's army, Cobra Khan has been a useful ally to King Hiss in his war with Skeletor to take back the stronghold in which King Hiss once ruled.
Snake Face
Strength: 18 (59%) +1 +2
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: -3
Class: Druid
Race: Yuan-ti / Medusa
Level: 13
Hit Points: 107
Armor Class: -6
THAC0: 8 (rod)
BLOCK: 5 / 14
Attacks/Round: 2 +special
Damage: 1d8 +5 (Rod of the Serpents +3)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Shield of the Medusa +1, Horror gaze (1d12 rounds), Petrification
at -2, Snake toss (1d4), spells
Due to his horrible appearance, Snake Face is rarely found without his druid's cloak and hood. When engaging combat, however, he will reveal his face and body, one of a cross between a yuan-ti and a medusa, covered with writhing snakes of all kinds from head to toe. Snake Face also carries the Shield of the Medusa +1, a valuable magic item that not only gives its user a +2 bonus to AC, but makes him immune to all forms of poison and petrification, charms serpents as the spell charm, and cures poison to anyone touching the shield not in combat. When casting spells, Snake Face will use his Rod of the Serpents.
If encountered in his lair, there is a 60% chance that Snake Face will
be accompanied by 1-4 of his medusa wives.
For more information, see Tongue Lasher.
Strength: 16 +1
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 12
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 18
Class: Fighter / Mage
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 15 / 18
Hit Points: 125
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 3 (rod), 6
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d8 +4 (Rod of the Serpents +3), 1d6 +1 (claw), 1d12 +1 x2 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 5'8
Special: Hypnotism at -2 (1d6 rounds), poison at -3, spells
Rama appears like that of a humanoid Egyptian cobra. His skin is light
brown in color and he can easily be identified by his large hood. Rama
uses his Rod of the Serpents to cast mage spells.
For more information, see Tongue Lasher.
Purple Death Adder
Strength: 18 (00%) +3 +6
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 14
Class: Fighter
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 20
Hit Points: 136
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: -5 (blades), -2
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d8 +9 x2 (moon blades of sharpness +3), 1d6 +6 (tail),
1d12 +6 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 6'7
Special: Poison at -4
By far the deadliest and most feared of the snake men, save for King Hiss himself, Purple Death Adder is the right hand servant of King Hiss.
Death Adder is an awesome sight to behold, with dark purple scales and a red stripe running down his back, he stands 6'7 tall with a 12' long tail behind him. Like the king cobra, Death Adder also has a hood, and in each hand, carries a curved, moon shaped blade.
King Hiss
Strength: 18 (00%) +3 +6
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 20
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 17 / -2
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Race: Yuan-ti
Level: 18 / 13
Hit Points: 139
Armor Class: -9
THAC0: -4 (rod) / 0
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2 / 5
Damage: 1d8 +10 x2 (Rod of Serpent Rulership +4) / 1d4 +6 x4 (bite), 1d12 +6 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 5'9
Special: Serpent Shield +5, Horror check, poison at -3 x4 and -5 (final),
A thousand years ago, long before Hordak or Skeletor, King Hiss arrived on the Dark Side of Eternia with an army of a thousand snake men and made his fortress where now stands Snake Mountain. His armies attacked Castle Greyskull and tried to bring down the great Council of the Zodiakians. The god-like Zodiakians, angered by the intrusion of these alien snake men on their planet, banished King Hiss and all his men into a horrible place known as the White Void, an empty dimension of white space where there can be no death, only an eternity of suffering. Then, after a thousand years and the death of all the council members but one, King Hiss returned through a magic gate back to Eternia (he had not aged since time does not exist in the White Void) and prepared for his revenge. Until just recently, however, the origins of King Hiss and the snake men had been unknown. It was believed that they had come somewhere from Eternia and evolved as a magical anomaly. It is now known that the snake men came from a far off planet called Repton.
King Hiss often appears in the form of a human. He need but 1 round, however, to shed his human skin to reveal his true form, man from waist down, five snake heads from waist up, like that of a thessylahydra. Each of these heads strikes with a different poison, requiring a successful saving throw vs. poison for each at -3. The largest head in the middle, however, the main head, strikes with the deadliest poison at -5 to save. If any one of these saving throws are failed, the result is instant death.
If encountered in his lair, King Hiss will be accompanied by his 9 yuan-ti guards, each of 9 HD with full points: Cottonmouth, Naga, Diamondback, Viper, Gaboon, Boa, Moccasin, Cora and Pytho.
Strength: 18 (38%) +1 +3
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 10
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 15 +1
Charisma: 8
Class: Thief
Race: Mechan
Level: 13
Hit Points: 73
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: 13
BLOCK: 5 / 14
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 2d20 +3 (ram)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, immune to attack effects
The people of Mechanus work from the time they are children to the time they die. They work everyday at the same job doing the same thing. They, in turn, are told what to do by their employer. The employers get their orders from the company presidents, and the company presidents get their orders from the supreme ruler of Mechanus, High Lord Mephistar IV.
Mephistar is a reclusive individual. All decisions made by him are final and there are no questions asked. Everything that happens on Mechanus happens because Mephistar says it so. And though Mephistar advocates total, unthinking devotion to the cause of mass production, it is thought by some explorers that Mephistar is really an emotional, feeling, and thinking being filled with many ideas and passions. It is thought that Mephistar keeps a secret vault containing books of stories and poetry. It is rumored that he even decorates his palace home with plants and live animals. If discovered of these unthinkable crimes, Mephistar would surely lose his rulership. But no one on the planet has the authority to even question him, so what he says is always believed. There is, however, a growing number of teenage criminals who hide out in the sewers. They are currently being hunted down and executed for unspeakable crimes. They believe the rumors about Mephistar and aim to prove it to the world. But worst of all, these criminals have been accused of not working, of denying the value of mass production, thinking, loving, and wishing to return the nature back to this dead world.
Dragstor's armor consists of a wheel in his chest and a thruster on his back. On smooth surfaces, he can roll on the ground and run over his opponents, ramming them with his crash helmet inflicting 2d20 +3 points of damage. In this form, Dragstor moves at a movement rate of 100.
Strength: 16 +1
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 10
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 15 +1
Charisma: 11
Class: Fighter
Race: Mechan
Level: 17
Hit Points: 88
Armor Class: -3
THAC0: 4
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 2 / 1/3 special
Damage: 9d6 +1d8 +3 (crossbow +3)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 5'8
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, Poison smoke (24d6 +12)
All vegetation and other unintelligent species have been decimated from the planet entirely, except for a few remaining bugs which seem to have an extraordinary tolerance to environmental changes. But whatever happened here seems to have occurred gradually. For somehow, the humanoid civilization has not only lasted for a hundred years, but has flourished in population. The ability to survive such harsh chemical materials is evidence of their incredible evolutionary adaptation. Still, however, most natives of Mechanus need to wear masks when going outside and none ever go swimming in the ocean. The planet of Mechanus has been in such bad condition for so long, that the inhabitants don't even seem to be aware of their horrible condition. Travelers to Mechanus, however, have described these inhabitants as being emotionless, apathetic and uncaring of anything. Some even say that the people have become like machines, not even caring for their own lives or freedoms. To the people of Mechanus, there is no word that means pleasure, relaxation, entertainment or even happiness. These concepts are foreign to them. No one on the planet has any ideas or any opinions on anything. In fact, the people of the planet have no names, but are called by number (Smokar was once known as 9826543 before he was renamed by Hordak). Each individual does only what he is told to do from his employer. The whole of the society is dedicated to one thing, and that is the mass production of technological materials. Thus, life on Mechanus thrives on trade. Planets from all over the galaxy come to here to find the best new space crafts, laser weapons and robots. It is believed that without this trade, the entire race of Mechanus would become extinct, for the resources needed to keep life from extinction cannot be found anywhere on the planet.
Strength: 18 (80%) +2 +4
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 20 +5 +1
Charisma: 3
Class: Fighter
Race: Mantenna
Level: 15
Hit Points: 119
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: 6
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 2 +special
Damage: 9d6 +1d8 +3 (crossbow +3)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'1
PLANE/WORLD: Embliominimimi
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, Level drain (1d4)
The intelligent life forms of Embliominimimi are bizarre indeed. Known as the mantenna, they live in tribal communities and communicate in such high pitched sounds that they are too painful for most humanoids to listen to and too awkward for humanoids to speak. Their huge eyes have developed in response to the darkness of the planet due to its distance from the sun, and are much more sensitive to light than any other known humanoid. Though they do not have fur, the mantenna do not mind the cold due to their fatty blubber like skin. A mantennas main diet consists of large aquatic worms averaging 4-6 feet in length and half a foot in width. These worms swim near the surface of the ice underwater. Mantenna, being masters of ice fishing, break through the ice and grab the worms, eating them whole with one quick gulp and eating them alive.
The ruler of the mantenna lives in a huge ice palace built against a crystal mountain. Very little is known about this ruler or about the mantenna government, since all attempts at communication with the mantenna have been utterly futile. It is believed, however, that the hordata are the only known race able to understand and speak the mantenna language.
There is an extinct species of life on Embliominimimi to be noted for
their great size. Remnants of these gargantuan monsters can be found inside
mountains in crystallized form or under the water frozen for millions of
years. The mantenna tend to show great fear toward these monsters, almost
as if they had the power to come alive and attack them.
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 16 +2 +1
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 5
Class: Fighter
Race: Mosquit
Level: 20
Hit Points: 127
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 1
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 9d6 x2 (gun), 1d4 +special (pincer)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 5'8
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance
-Swarm spell, Constitution drain (1d4)
-May cast any number of spells with the words, "insect" or "swarm," in it
-Possesses control over all (non-humanoid) insects, may communicate with any insect
-Night vision, sight up to 100 yards
See Webstor for more details.
Strength: 21 +4 +9
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Parasite
Level: 19
Hit Points: 128
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -2
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 1d4 +9 +special x2 (sucker), 1d12 +9 +special (bite)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'5
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, Strength drain (1d4)
Long after, on Parasite, another intelligent life form evolved. These
life forms grew from the swamps and were truly primitive and disgusting.
They had no idea of the great empire of snake men that once inhabited their
planet. These curious leech men, however, would evolve to the point of
being able to explore that planet and only wonder at the civilization whose
only ruins remained.
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 20 / 19
Wisdom: 15 / 5
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 7 / 3
Class: Psionicist, scientist
Race: Modulok
Level: 16
Hit Points: 121
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: 13
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 9d6 x2 (gun), 1d4 x2 (punch)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 5'2
PLANE/WORLD: Miaplacidus
Special: Immune to physical attacks, regeneration (1 hp), dead at -30
hp, Duplication, 1600 psionics
Dr. Zbigniew's ultimate goal was to someday create a living organism that could mutate itself into any form, that could regenerate any lost limb, and that could duplicate itself by regenerating severed tissue. After hours of study, the gloopy protoplasm that Zbigniew had been working on turned into the exact living thing he had been thinking of. The creature had all the traits of his so called "ultimate evolutionary species" and he was overwhelmed with joy. Little did he realize, however, that the species he had been dreaming of was not a creation of his, but an actual inhabitant of the planet. The organic protoplasm itself was alive and unlike any other race in the universe. Unfortunately, these beings known as Modulok, were intelligent and were used to taking the forms imagined by visiting scientists. When encountering Zbigniew, the Modulok took a liking to his twisted mind, and liked the form in which Zbigniew had dreamed for them. Thus, the collective minds of the Modulok dreamed of Zbigniew as a gigantic brain, merging his mind with their own. The Modulok then used his mind to preserve their new semi-humanoid form and used his intelligence to gain technology for space travel. In space, the Modulok duplicated until billions upon billions of Modulok populated the universe. Those Modulok not on the planet of Miaplacidus, however, were unable to take new forms. They could, however, regenerate lost limbs, alter their body composition, and duplicate via severed tissue.
Though the Modulok are great in number, it is believed that in reality, there is only one single consciousness among them. That may partly explain their unique language, which only consists of one word, "Modulok", spoken in different tones for different meanings. In fact, every Modulok is named, Modulok.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 1
Dexterity: 20 +4 +3
Constitution: 17 +3
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Machine
Level: 17
Hit Points: 96
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: 4 (gun), -2
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 9d6 x2 (gun), 1d4 +12 x2 (punch)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 5'2
Special: Immune to poison, gas, cold, organically harmful acid, attack effects, fear, mind spells and petrification, night vision
Multibot is the exact, mechanical duplicate of Modulok, with two heads, four arms and six legs. In two of these arms, Multibot holds a laser gun, the other two it uses to punch its opponents with its incredible, bionic strength of 24. Because Multibot's limbs are interchangeable, they can easily be severed if more than 8 hit points of damage is taken from each limb. Multibot can still operate with one head, but if both heads are lost, Multibot becomes inoperable. Thus, it is possible to defeat Multibot and have it lose no more than 16 hit points. To determine which limbs are hit, however, DM should roll a 1d12 and refer to the list below:
1. leg, left 2. leg, left 3. leg, left 4. leg, right 5. leg, right 6. leg, right 7. arm, left 8. arm, left 9. arm, right 10. arm, right 11. head, left 12. head, right
One of the reasons that Modulok created Multibot is that, if Modulok is ever in a state of regeneration where most of his body has been destroyed, he can opt to merge with the body of Multibot and use it to move him around, until his organic body can be fully grown. In some instances, Modulok and Multibot have been known to merge into one gigantic creature, both bionic and organic. In this case, the attributes of both monsters are taken into consideration, but neither die until both are destroyed.
Strength: 25 +7 +14
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 6
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 25 +7 +4
Charisma: 9
Class: Fighter
Race: Grizzlor
Level: 28
Hit Points: 192
Armor Class: -12
THAC0: -6
BLOCK: 3 / 7
Attacks/Round: 3
Damage: 1d8 +14 x2 (bone), 1d12 +14 (bite)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 9'11
Special: +3 weapon to hit, 100% magic resistance, immune to all elements,
spells and psionics, regeneration (5 hp), dead at -20, kills on 'to hit'
roll 20
The very rare, grizzlors, are thought to have evolved from the beast men. The grizzlors, however, have little to almost animal intelligence and strength and endurance almost a hundred times greater than that of the beast men. It is thought that the extreme scarcity of the beast men, when brought on Etheria, forced them to hunt alone rather than in packs and forced them to develop superior fighting skills. Furthermore, common access to dragon meat enabled the beast men to grow bigger and stronger. The beast men started off by eating the dragon's eggs, then the dragon's babies, children, and finally, attacking the dragon itself. Colder temperatures on Etheria may also have contributed to their growth and increase in fur. Lack of communication between the few grizzlors is thought to have impaired the development and evolution of their intellect.
It is believed that Grizzlor was biologically engineered by Modulok,
from the DNA of the most powerful creatures in all the universe, to ensure
his dominance in the DarkWorld Games.
Strength: 18 (89%) +2 +4
Intelligence: 21
Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 17 +3 +2
Constitution: 19 +5 +1
Charisma: 10
Class: Fighter / Mage
Race: Hordata
Level: 20 / 27
Hit Points: 222
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: 1 (crossbow) / -6 (sword)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 9d6 +1d8 +3 (crossbow +3), 18d6 (spell) / 1d10 +9 x2 (sword +5) /
1d10 +9, 18d6
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 5'9
Special: +3 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, Bat Shield +5, spells
Hordak, Emperor of the Horde Empire, Ruler of Etheria and Master of Horde Prime, was accused of being a traitor by both the Tanar'ri and the Baatezu when Slayer, the demon pit fiend, and Balor, the demon Tanar'ri, discovered that Hordak had been secretly aiding both sides of the Blood War in order to support his wars against the Eternian Royal Guard, the armies of King Hiss and Skeletor. At that time, both Slayer, Balor and Marilith broke off their alliance to the Horde and sought out to destroy Hordak. However, Hordak and Modulok, his devoted right hand minion, had been working on a new spell that incorporated all the deadliest energies of the black sciences, black magic and psionics. This combined energy came together in a new weapon designed by the Horde known as the Ultimate Law Machine. Eternian spies have reported that the Ultimate Law Machine has the power to isolate a certain volume of space and make the laws of physics in that space obsolete. Hordak decided to test this machine when the Tanar'ri and the Baatezu came looking for him. Unbelievable testimony verified that both Slayer and Balor were simply "willed out of existence." Eternian scientist would later try to explain that the weak and strong nuclear force around the space occupied by Slayer and Balor was temporarily suspended causing the electrons and neutrons holding them together to fly apart and, ultimately, cause their annihilation. Marilith, the arch-demon Tanar'ri, gated back to the Abyss to get reinforcements. She was sided by her children, the crossbreed mutants between Tanar'ri and Horde member that she fostered in order to seal the alliance between the Horde and the Tanar'ri: Bloodaxe, Dormmamu and Abomination. Only Caliban, son of Hordak and Marilith, sided with his father and the Horde. But before Marilith could return with reinforcements, all of her children, save for Caliban, were willed out of existence. And somehow, the gate between Etheria, the Abyss and Baator, was permanently sealed, so that no Tanar'ri or Baatezu could return to seek revenge against Hordak. How, exactly, Hordak found the power to do this is still yet a mystery. But there is more.
With this new found power, Hordak declared himself Emperor of the Known Universe and threatened that any who dared to oppose him would suffer the same fate as Slayer, Balor, and the sons of Marilith. There was mixed reaction to this proclamation. The Eternian Royal Guard was prepared to fight. Skeletor was afraid yet claimed his outrage. King Hiss remained reclusive. And, even more strangely, the Dark Eight of the planet Freeda, disappeared. Not only did the god Chaos and his seven demon minions disappear, the whole planet disappeared! Had Hordak actually caused the whole planet to vanish? Or had the Dark Eight taken leave on their own power? And If Hordak had caused the Dark Eight's disappearance, how could he have defeated Chaos? Surely, Hordak's new weapon could not destroy a god, could it? To this remains a mystery. What is known, however, is that Hordak proved his power by causing the deaths of half the known champions of all the races of Eternia. On the very next day, over 20 races had lost one or more of their greatest champions. Among those who died were allies of Skeletor, the Eternian Royal Guard and King Hiss.
Now, Hordak was taken seriously and none dared to oppose him. The only question, why hadn't the gods Zodak or Skullgrin intervened to stop him? Did they fear his power also? King Adam Namier Randor didn't think so. He believed a higher power was working behind the crown of the newly self anointed Emperor. These suspicions were supported when a new planet was discovered orbiting the Eternian sun. Eternian astronomers went crazy upon its discovery. It could not be believed but it was true. Some newly formed planet was now orbiting the sun between Etheria and where Freeda used to be. Then, on that same day, Hordak declared that the new planet would be the base of operations for all Horde activities. And so did the seat of power in the universe reside upon that throne of that new planet named, DarkWorld, where the minions of the Horde grew in power and scattered all throughout the universe, forcing all those who fell under their shadow to pay tribute to the Horde.
Three years later, a convoy ship on its way to DarkWorld, secretly harboring troops of the New Alliance, a loosely organized band of rebels from various worlds, disappeared before it could reach the planet's atmosphere. It was apparent that Hordak had learned of their foul plot to assassinate him.
In the meantime, the last remains of the Eternian Royal Guard waited. The ex-King Randor, now re-known as He-Man, waited for his opportunity to take revenge for the death of his wife. But all seemed hopeless. No one was able to get close enough, even to the planet surface, to kill Hordak.
Then, one day, Hordak became terribly bored of being Emperor. His armies had conquered so many planets he could not even count them all. He needed some excitement, but did not know where to find it. The entertainment on DarkWorld was limited and did not amuse him. Hordak was tired of watching executions and the torturing of prisoners, and tired of performing strange biological experiments on his many thousands of concubines. Furthermore, his top henchmen were becoming restless. And so, Hordak created the DarkWorld Games.
A huge arena was built, and all were invited to DarkWorld to compete in the games. Rogue fighters came from all over DarkWorld and beyond. But they were quickly done away with by Hordak's own henchmen who participated in the games. And so, Hordak sent out his scouts to find the greatest warriors from every known race in the universe, and invited them to come to the DarkWorld Games to test their might. The fighters were picked and paired off randomly. Some fights were in groups, others were one-on-one, and all of them were to the death. It was a no holds barred competition with hand-to-hand combat, wrestling, and weapon use. Even laser guns were accepted. And as an added bonus, Hordak declared that whoever was left standing at the end of the DarkWorld Games would be rewarded with anything he wished for. This attracted thousands of contestants, and they all fought till the end. After months of fighting, the last warrior standing met Grizzlor, Hordak's personal champion and body guard. The warrior was torn into tiny pieces and eaten. Grizzlor was the reining champion of the DarkWorld Games and so did he remain, destroying each and every opponent pit against him. Since Grizzlor was an almost mindless beast created by Hordak, Hordak needn't give him any reward. Offering Grizzlor the chance to tear up living flesh was reward enough for him. And, since Hordak's champion has never lost a single battle, no one has ever won the wish reward. For a thousand years. . .he has never been defeated.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 25
Wisdom: 25
Dexterity: 15 +1
Constitution: 24 +2 +3
Charisma: 25
Class: Mage / Cleric
Race: Greater god
Level: 30 / 30
Hit Points: 400
Armor Class: -15
THAC0: 1
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 1-100 +disintegration
Alignment: Neutral
Size: Any
Special: +5 weapon to hit, 120% magic resistance, save vs. disintegration
at -6, spells
The mysterious being, simply known as, Skullgrin, first made his existence known by plucking Skeletor and Hordak from their planets and teleporting them to Freeda. When they materialized before him, he declared himself their new master. Outraged at this mockery, Skeletor and Hordak attacked him, only to find their magic weapons turn to dust in their hands. It was then that Skullgrin grew to the size of a gargantuan humanoid and picking them up in his hand, re-declared his statement. After that, there was no argument from either Skeletor or Hordak. They came to the realization that they were dealing with a god. Several years later, Skullgrin sought to enter Greyskull, so as to truly become the Master of the Universe. In a major battle, Skullgrin fought with Zodak and won. It was then that He-Man was sent on his final quest to enter the Dark Temple, the abode of Skullgrin, and destroy him. In his most incredible mission, He-Man was yet again triumphant, but only at the cost of his own life (though later found and resurrected by Zodak). But this did not stop Skullgrin for long, for the god returned to imprison Zodak and He-Man in the White Void and in the guise of Zodak, fooled the Eternian Royal Guard into giving him both halves of the Sword of Power, enabling him to enter Castle Greyskull. Before entering the Star Chamber, however, Zodak and He-Man escaped from the White Void and joined with Icarus and others to stop him. Unfortunately, their mission failed, and Skullgrin possessed all the power of the universe, for awhile. For Skullgrin decided that he did not want such power, returned the power to the Star Chamber and changed his alignment to neutral. Still, he is worshipped as evil and remains enemies with Zodak. Though Skullgrin can appear in any form, he often looks like a humanoid being with the skull of a human, the eye sockets full of stars, and the horns of a ram.
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 21
Wisdom: 24
Dexterity: 24 +6 +5
Constitution: 23 +6 +3
Charisma: 0
Class: Fighter
Race: Krill
Level: 24
Hit Points: 161
Armor Class: -10
THAC0: -4 / 1 (acid spit)
BLOCK: 3 / 9
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d4 +11 x2 (fist/claw), 1d8 +11 +special (bite) or 2d20 +11 (ball) or special, paralyzation (1d4 rounds) save at -2
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'
Special: [Diseased bite (limb rot), Acid spit (corrodes metal), Lay egg
(10d4 rounds)] all save at -3
The natives of DarkWorld may be the semi-humanoid aliens known as the krill, who commonly appear out of nowhere on the planet's surface and do not seem to be bothered by the planet's harsh temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, no krill ship has ever been seen docking at the DarkWorld Arena, nor have mages detected the presence of magical portals or the residue of a teleportation spell. If the krill do live on DarkWorld, they most likely dwell deep beneath the surface in caves. The krill have four eyes that glow orange in the dark, and though they have many eyes, their eyes are small and their vision limited. The only other evidence indicating that the krill live in caves beneath DarkWorld, is a censored radio transmission sent to the Horde base by one of the Horde's mining teams. Apparently, a Horde miner came screaming out of the cave, half alive with bloodied armor. The armor had deep gashes in it and the metal was corroded as if subjected to acid. The miner could not explain what had happened. He said that it was too dark to see, but that he could faintly make out four, tiny, glowing lights.
Strength: 25 +7 +14
Intelligence: 23
Wisdom: 23
Dexterity: 25 +6 +5
Constitution: 21 +6 +2
Charisma: 23
Class: Fighter / Mage
Race: Archdemon
Level: 29 / 19
Hit Points: 166
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: -6
BLOCK: 3 / 6
Attacks/Round: 5
Damage: 1d4 +14 x2 (slap), 1d6 +14 x2 (wing), 2d6 +14 (horns)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 9'
Special: +3 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance, immune to fire, cold, poison and gas
-Regeneration (2 hp)
-Hell fire, Raise Hell, spells
-Fear at -3 vs. rod (see Pit Fiend)
-Can summon 1d4 pit fiends, 1d4 cornugons, and 1d8 gelugons in 1 round each once per day
The second known secret character among the DarkWorld combatants, Slayer is an arch-demon pit fiend of incredible power on a mission to destroy Hordak for the Baatezu. As all Baatezu, Slayer is from the plane of Baator, otherwise known as the Nine Hells. He can fight as the greatest fighter wielding tremendous titan strength or cast spells with his superior (beyond human) intellect. Slayer also possesses the natural powers and immunities granted to the all-feared pit fiend, but as a being of unique and superior stature, possesses special abilities even beyond that of his race.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 1
Dexterity: 24 +6 +5
Constitution: Special
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Machine
Level: 16
Hit Points: 70
Armor Class: -16
THAC0: -1
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d8 +12 (blades)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'
Special: Immune to poison, gas, cold, organically harmful acid, attack
effects, fear, mind spells and petrification, flight at 391 tmph, night
Appearing as a sleek, chrome skinned human female with an organic face, Void is the most highly advanced robot of Hordak's new inventor, Trigger Happy. Void is a cold, heartless machine bent on the destruction of anything her master, Hordak, so wills, and is often used as an assassin to carry out the deaths of those "undesirable" to the Horde Empire.
When in combat, Void has the ability to shape her hands into lethal weapons, most often, blades doing 1d8 points of damage. But she may also shape her hands into a mace, or any other weapon made of metal. Void's advantages over other robots include her natural ability to fly at incredible speed. Her speed is such in that she is capable of interstellar travel, moving up to 391 tmph (trillion miles per hour). But usually at these speeds, Void assumes the form of a chrome sphere. It is possible that when traveling this fast, Void can ram an opponent in sphere form like a giant bullet causing instant death (save vs. death to negate), but she is unable to build up enough speed to use such an attack during hand-to-hand combat. Void's main advantage, however, is that her body is made up of a form of liquid metal which at one instant, can become hard as steel, and the next, become as intangible as a liquid. It is for this reason that Void is immune to all form of attack aimed at her body, and with her great dexterity, boasts an incredible -16 AC. Void's brain, however, cannot be made of liquid metal, thus it is housed behind her face, the only part of her that is not invulnerable. Void's face also houses her two "special" eyes. The left eye works also as a camera, recording any images Void sees and sends them back to DarkWorld to Hordak's throne room. The right eye works as a holographic projector, projecting life size images with messages to those in whom Hordak wishes to inform.
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 23 +5 +4
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 21
Class: Martial artist (sword master, karate master) / Psionicist
Race: Gallese
Level: 20
Hit Points: 90
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -4
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 6 / 6 / 1
Damage: 1d8 +5 "Crystal Saber" (sword +5) / 1d4 (limb) / special
Alignment: Chaotic good
Size: 6'
Special: Fire shield +5, life force drain, triple combo, 2100 psionics
A woman of unknown origin, Voodoo appeared one day before King Adam Namier Randor demanding to be part of the Royal Eternian Guard. And for some unknown reason, her request was granted. But during the ceremony, the Horde sent an army to attack. It was then that Voodoo proved her might, fending off the Horde single handendly, sending them back to DarkWorld. For the next several years, Voodoo appeared on every planet the Horde was to invade, saving the planet by killing the invasion force general and, what's more, angering the Emperor by mailing the general's remains to him. It was then that a wish reward was offered to any who could bring back her head. But Voodoo remains elusive, a rebel and a fugitive.
In combat, Voodoo carries a fire shield, which gives her the option of blocking any fireball, lightning bolt, or laser, as if it were any other attack, and on a block roll of 18, 19 or 20, actually reflects the energy back to the attacker. Voodoo can fight with any combination of limb attacks and or sword attacks, six times per round. Furthermore, her sword, Crystal Saber, has the power to drain the life force (hit points) of her opponent and give that life force to her. In other words, every time Voodoo hits someone with Crystal Saber, the hit points her opponent loses are hit points she receives. Secondly, Voodoo can make 3 attacks per round from the Martial Arts table instead of one. And third, Voodoo can attack using her natural, psionic abilities.
Voodoo is a woman of impeccable beauty, with long, wavy black hair and blue eyes. She wears a skin tight, purple and yellow body suit and a purple bandanna. Voodoo is a stern woman, however, never smiling, never revealing her inner thoughts or feelings; she appears driven by some strange fate that none can understand.
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 22 +5 +4
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 18
Class: Fighter
Race: Vampire
Level: 20
Hit Points: 121
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: -2 / -7 (with halberd)
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 3 / 1
Damage: 2d6 +7 +energy drain x2 (claws), 1d6 +7 +curse (bite)
/ 2d12 +12 (halberd +5)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'-11'
PLANE/WORLD: Necropolis
Special: +4 weapon to hit (no strength +), immune to all and attack effects -Regeneration (3 hp), fear paralysis (save at -5)
-Energy drain, curse (save vs. poison at -3), flight at 18, morphing
-Charm person at -4, assume gaseous form, summon 1d4 vampires once per
A 500+ year old vampire from Necropolis acting as guardian and servant of Richter Kane, Nosferatu's coffin dwells in the Xanadu Mansion. He usually will not attack visitors, however, but invite them in as guests. First, he appears as a man with a black cloak and pointed beard. If he is attacked, however, he will suffer no injury, but the wounds made by his attacker will appear to break his outer flesh revealing a gray skinned, bat like creature with long, matted hair, and enormous claws underneath.
All other attacks but by a +4 weapon pass right through him as if he were not there. He cannot be turned and can even walk in day light. In combat, Nosferatu attacks twice with his claws, draining 2 levels with every hit, and on a 'to hit' roll of 18-20, pulls out his victim's heart. Those bitten falling under his curse become vampires in the very next round and slaves to his every command. Nosferatu also fights with a huge halberd +5, that on a roll of 18-20, becomes entangled in the flesh of his victim causing an addition 2d12 +5 points of damage to pull free, and if this attack is blocked, the victim's weapon is wrenched from his hands.
Nosferatu can appear in the form of 12 large bats, a pack of wolves, rats, or even cockroaches. He is also the head vampire of four other female vampires. When reduced to 0 hit points, he nor his vampires die, but return to their coffins to rest. To kill him or his mistresses, both he and his coffin must be burned to ashes as he is sleeping.
T. Happy
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 22
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 5 -2 -1
Constitution: 8
Charisma: 4
Class: Inventor, scientist
Race: Dwarf
Level: 1 HD
Hit Points: 3
Armor Class: 12
THAC0: 20
BLOCK: Can't
Attacks/Round: 6 (front assault) / 2 (air defense)
Damage: 54d6, 15d6, 18d6 (lasers), 1d20d6 (gatling gun), 1-100 (missile), 1-100/2 (mini-heat seeking missile) / 1-100 (missile), 9d6 (laser)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 3'5
Special: Nil
The very antithesis of Gwildor, Trigger Happy is a bloated, balding midget that not only is repulsive to look at, but has an obnoxious personality as well. He is vain, cowardly, selfish, cruel, and has no understanding of the word virtue. When T. Happy was young, he was picked on at school and laughed at by his teachers. Then, one day, he decided to take his revenge by blowing up the school, killing everyone inside. T. Happy soon found that nothing gave him more pleasure than to cause others pain. And so, he used his intellect and his hatred of others to fuel his passion for destruction by building bigger and better bombs and guns. Soon, he was blowing up homes, schools, and churches on holy days. Any who tried to stop him, simply got gunned down by his home defense system. When learning of these events, the Emperor asked Trigger if he would work for the Horde. In exchange, Hordak would give him all the power he needed to cause REAL destruction. And so, T. Happy agreed and joined the Horde.
T. Happy will always run from combat, sending one of his machines to fight for him. If forced into it, however, Trigger is prepared. Believing raw firepower can make up for his weakness and absence of skill, T. Happy wears 11 lasers, 3 missile launchers, and 1 gatling gun. This array of weaponry can be used for a frontal assault or for air defense. For the frontal, 6 lasers sit on his right shoulder, doing 54d6, and 3 smaller lasers sit on his left shoulder, doing 15d6. On his far left shoulder is another pair of lasers, doing 18d6, a gatling gun shooting from 1-20 bullets doing 1d6 each, a missile launcher doing 1-100, and a smaller heat seeking missile doing 1-100/2. For overhead, a missile launcher sits on his left shoulder doing 1-100, and one laser that does 9d6. All together, T. Happy can do an average of 366 points of damage with his frontal assault, and 77 with his air defense. Even still, T. Happy has terrible aim.
Strength: Special
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 5
Dexterity: 22 +5 +4
Constitution: Special
Charisma: 3
Class: Wrestler
Race: Intermediate demon
Level: 30 HD
Hit Points: 240
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: -6
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: Wrestling (see below) / 1-100 (see below)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 9'-50'
Special: Immune to blood loss, changes height between 9 and 50 feet
Summoned from the depths of the Abyss to challenge the DarkWorld champion, Urthquake was offered Skeletor to seal the alliance between his army and the demonic minions of Slayer. But after the fall of the DarkWorld Empire and the destruction of the DarkWorld Arena at the hands of Voodoo, Skeletor returned to Eternia using this new henchman to deal with his other allies.
Urthquake has a unique special ability in that he can change size ranging anywhere between 9' and 50' tall at will. Once grown to 50', he is immune to all damage save for attacks directed upon his head. This ability is due to a special fluid, delivered by two plastic tubes that run through his body when he wishes to enlarge, acting as the magic potion by the same name. Severing these tubes with a sharp edged weapon of +1 enchantment or better can disable him of this power, shrinking him to normal size. Once he is in gargantuan form, however, these tubes hang 20' high, making them difficult to reach. In gargantuan form, Urthquake needs but step on his opponents causing 1-100 points of damage. He can also swat for 5d6 +14 or grab and squeeze for 4d10 per round. At nine feet, he will always wrestle his opponents with his 25 strength, using this special wrestling table below on a roll of 1d8:
1. Head butt (2d6 +14 points of damage with horns)
2. Head lock (3d6 +51; stabs 3 times with +3 claw while holding with other arm)
3. Bear hug (1d20 +14)
4. Triple body slam (3d6 +42; slams 3 times while stunning for 1 round)
5. Lift+Punch (1d6 +14; knocks back 3-30 feet)
6. Jump+Land (1-100; jumps 20 feet in the air landing on and pinning opponent)
7. Iron claw (defender must break free in 3 rounds or have skull crushed like an egg)
8. Neck breaker (defender must break free in 1 round or have neck broken and die)
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 21
Dexterity: 15 +1
Constitution: 16 +2
Charisma: 23
Class: Cleric
Race: Archdemon
Level: 21
Hit Points: 72
Armor Class: 1
THAC0: 5
BLOCK: 3 / 10
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: 1d8 +3 "Widow Maker" (short sword of wounding +3)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'4
Special: +3 weapon to hit, 50% MR, immune to all, flight at 21, see below
Rumored to be the daughter of the Lord of the Ninth himself, Hecate, Queen of Darkness, presides lord over the 5th layer of Hell. She sits upon a throne of skulls in a tower of bones where her demonic harlot minions, the erinyes, torture the souls of men having succumbed to the temptations of the flesh. Hecate is said to take pleasure in their sufferings. Secretly raising an army of demons to rise from the pits of Hell to the P.M.P. with the help of Skeletor or Hordak to whom, it is said, she is a mistress.
Hecate will never engage combat unless pressed. Rather, she will try to seduce her foes with her natural charm and beauty. All heterosexual males gazing upon Hecate must save vs. spell at -3 or see her as the "girl of their dreams" falling madly in love. One kiss from the blood stained lips of the demoness on the lips of a love-struck male will cause him to shrivel up like a raisin and fall a rotten corpse. There is, however, a very slim chance that she will decide to keep him as a lover, a percentage determined by 2x the Charisma of the charmed. It is said that Hecate turns these love slaves into pets: worms, rats, bats, when she is not in need of their "services." One sinister bat that she keeps by her side, Satan, with 36 hp, will always fight to protect her. Hecate can also summon 1d4 of any greater baatezu, 1d8 lesser, or 1d20 erinyes once per day. But she is not without her own defenses. Besides her array of spells, Hecate fights with Widow Maker, a sword that causes bleeding wounds anywhere it cuts, and from each wound made, does the victim lose 1 point of CON. Secondly, Hecate can fire a web of barbed wire from the tips of her finger nails. On any successful 'to hit' roll, these wires wrap around her victim's throats strangling them to death in 3 rounds unless they can cut themselves free. Pulling the wires only makes them tighter and cut deeper into the skin. Her 3rd method of attack is a loud, wailing laugh. All those within 60' hearing her laugh must save vs. spell at -3. Those failing by 1 simply become deaf, those by 2 become permanently insane, and those by 3 or more relive their worst experience, suffering all the effects of that experience.
Princess Palutina
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 12
Charisma: 18
Class: Cleric
Race: Palutinian
Level: 20
Hit Points: 69
Armor Class: 10
THAC0: 8
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 1
Damage: By spell
Alignment: Lawful good
Size: 5'11
PLANE/WORLD: Kingdom of Palutina
Special: Diamondskin
Princess Palutina is the supreme ruler of the Kingdom of Palutina, a beautiful, medieval planet with rolling hills and lush forests. She lives in the topmost tower of a great blue and white palace surrounded by a lake crossed by a golden bridge, constantly guarded by the Twelve Knights Dragonslayers, 9th level paladins all with ornate full plate armor and armed with great two handed swords. Palutina herself is a beautiful, richly dressed woman of long blonde hair and bluest eyes. She often wears golden bracelets and knee-high boots and a white suit with the symbol of a star. In the center of that star is a fist-sized diamond. Many perceive this diamond to be of mere decorative value, but in truth, the diamond of Princess Palutina is a magic item of great protection. Given to her long ago by a dying priest, this diamond had the power of casting a unique spell known as, diamondskin, which for 14 rounds makes the bearer of the diamond's skin as hard as diamond, but unlike the similar spell, stoneskin, not only makes the bearer immune to physical damage, but to elemental and spell damage as well. At the end of these 14 rounds, however, the diamond crumbles into worthless glass, thus, such a diamond may only be used once. It is rumored that many years ago, Princess Palutina gave her diamond to a party of visiting adventurers who had come from another world seeking aid in escaping the Horde/DarkWorld Empire. Apparently, one of these adventurers was a young girl about five years old. This girl was the object of the Horde's interest. And according to one survivor of the great earthquake of DarkWorld that split the DarkWorld Arena apart, in the last battle between Voodoo and the almighty Emperor Hordak, Voodoo was seen removing a large diamond from her belt that, "glowed like magic." It is thought that without this magic item, Voodoo would have had no chance at defeating the Emperor and becoming DarkWorld Champion, which she became.
Strength: 17 +1 +1
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 12
Dexterity: 24 +6 +5
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 10
Class: Ninja
Race: New Earthian
Level: 17
Hit Points: 58
Armor Class: -12
THAC0: 2
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 6 / 2 / 1 / 1d20
Damage: 1d8 +2 x3 (sword of sharpness +1), 1d6 +2 x3 (nunchuka +1) /
1d6 x2 (arrows of slaying) / 1d4 +poison (blow dart gun) / 1d4 (shuriken)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 5'5
Special: Mirror image, casts teleport without error 3 times per day
For more information, see Jitsu.
Strength: 24 +6 +12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 7
Dexterity: 23 +5 +4
Constitution: 22 +6 +2
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Fremen
Level: 15
Hit Points: 141
Armor Class: -6
THAC0: -2
BLOCK: 4 / 13
Attacks/Round: 2
Damage: 1d6 +14 (crowbar +2)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Size: 6'4
PLANE/WORLD: Arrakis (Dune)
Special: +2 weapon to hit, 50% magic resistance
Fremen history is both long and great. The people of Arrakis came from a far off star system by a monopolizing star ship organization known as the Guild. They came in a great Guild freighter and lived secluded from the universe for many centuries, learning the ways of desert travel and harvesting all the moisture they could find. Water became so precious, in fact, to the Fremen people, that they commonly used it as a source of currency, wore it as jewelry, and considered it sacred in religious rituals.
Caliban wears the Bat Symbol of the Horde, a most prized and sought after magical armor. This is a symbol that strikes fear into the hearts of all people under the rule of the Horde Empire. Most members of the Horde wear this symbol on their chest. Not only is it a symbol of their authority, but it is a magical shield created by Hordak himself so as to make his highest generals seem invulnerable. The wearer of this symbol becomes immune to all weapons under +2 enchantment and 50% immune to all laser weapons and magical attacks. Note that the Bat Symbol of the Horde is cursed to all creatures of good alignment, and if worn, will not give them any immunity, but rather, squeeze the life out of them in 1d12 rounds. Only a strength of 22 or greater, a remove curse spell, or a sharp edged weapon of +2 enchantment, can remove this garment before squeezing a good aligned creature to death.
Strength: 19 +3 +7
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 14
Dexterity: 22 +5 +4
Constitution: 18 +4
Charisma: 24*
Class: Martial artist (karate master)
Race: Amazon, nymph
Level: 20
Hit Points: 124
Armor Class: 5
THAC0: -2
BLOCK: 3 / 11
Attacks/Round: 6
Damage: 1d4 +7 x5 (punch x2, kick x2, head-butt), martial arts (see below)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: 6'2
Special: Move in silence 95%, hide in shadows 95%, see below
A race of elusive women once thought myth, amazons live deep in tropical rain forests. They are great hunters and warriors, well-skilled in the use of the bow, spear, and in hand-to-hand combat. In fact, amazons have a unique form of martial arts. Amazons have a great hate for men and will attack a man on sight. If one should wander near an amazon forest, the amazons are quick to detect it, hiding in shadows, high up in trees (they are great tree climbers), moving in total silence until. . .they gather, spring a trap or an ambush, and he is never heard again. It is for this reason that amazons have been thought a myth for so long. On occasion, an amazon will venture out of her forest to find a man, for it is said that the libido of a female amazon is far greater than even that of a teenage boy. These men are coerced into sex or raped if they resist. When the intercourse ends the amazon disappears back into the forest and any offspring born of their union are either raised amazon, if female, or left at the nearest village, if male. Because only female amazons are born green, it is impossible to tell a male amazon from a human, except that male amazons are weak and docile for their sex. Amazons appear as athletic women with green skin, either with shaved heads or mohawks, wearing little to almost no clothing. Though nearly nudists, amazons are very shy and will become enraged if spied upon by any man. Amazon is a large, robust woman with a blonde mohawk, having inherited her goddess-like beauty from her mother, a nymph. *Amazon is so beautiful, in fact, that all straight males looking upon her clothed must save vs. spell at +1 or become blind, or if nude, die. When this nymph, unknowingly having made love to an amazon male, gave birth to a green baby girl (a very rare occurrence), she knew where to take her. At first, the women were skeptical, but Amazon's superior fighting skill won them over, and she became their queen. Preferring to fight with her body, Amazon uses no weapons in combat. Such is her skill that she can make 6 attacks per round: striking with all fours, hands and feet, her head, and lastly, making one attack from the martial arts table.
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 9
Dexterity: 19 +4 +3
Constitution: 22 +6 +2
Charisma: 8
Class: Fighter
Race: Yuan-ti, swamp sansker
Level: 17
Hit Points: 118
Armor Class: -4
THAC0: -1
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 4
Damage: 1d8 +11 (club), 1d6 +11 (claw), 1d8 +11 (bite), 1d6 +11 (tail)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Size: 14' long
Special: Camouflage, Tail hold, burrow, can breathe underwater
Sansker are a unique form of yuan-ti somehow having managed to survive on the once thought barren world of Repton. Unlike snake men yuan-ti, sansker have no legs; their large, powerfully built bodies end in long, serpentine tails. Being yuan-ti, sansker have a tough, reptilian hide, giving them a good armor class. Due to their distant relation to snake men yuan-ti, however, there is no venom in their bite, though they do have powerful jaws and great teeth that can shred most beasts, bones and flesh, into tiny pieces. Most sansker live in the desert, burrowing beneath the sand like worms to keep cool. When sansker sense a creature approaching, they will leap out of the sand, surprise attacking at -4. Sansker can also change the color of their skin like a chameleon, blending into the environment. This camouflage works so well, in fact, that there is a 75% chance that they will not be noticed, allowing them a surprise roll at -4. Therefore, sansker that live in the desert are usually light brown, whereas sansker that live in tropical forests, forest sansker, or swamps, swamp sansker, are green in color. The latter type are rare, but thought to be more abundant on the nearby moon, Parasite. These sansker have gills, able to breathe underwater; but being reptiles, they can leave the water to surprise attack their prey, as desert sansker do. Swamp sansker are quick swimmers, but can hide and move under mud just as easily.
Sansker is King Hiss' answer for need of a "strong man." His
army's lack of physical strength they made up for with great dexterity.
But at times, when strength was needed, such as to break down a door, lift
a heavy object, etc.; it was not there. It is for this reason besides others,
that King Hiss hired Sansker, a heavily built warrior. Besides Blast Attack,
Sansker possesses the greatest strength in a racial affiliation typically
unknown for such attributes. Hoof
Strength: 23 +5 +11
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 9
Dexterity: 6 -1
Constitution: 25 +7 +14
Charisma: 10
Class: Fighter
Race: Pachyderm
Level: 18
Hit Points: 148
Armor Class: -11
THAC0: -2
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 3 / 2
Damage: 1d6 +11 x2 (fist), 5d10 +special (cannon) /
3d10 +11 +special (horn), 1-100 (missile)
Alignment: Neutral good
Size: 7'
PLANE/WORLD: Pachyderm
Special: Immune to wrestling, knocks back 3-30 feet, see below
The planet, Pachyderm, near Simbaya, was targeted by the Horde for takeover. The pachyderms had amassed a fleet of ships to confront the Horde army, led by commander, Hoof. Little did the Royal Eternian Guard know of the existence of Pachyderm when Man-at-Arms led the strike against the Empire on DarkWorld that would crush their rule. Pachyderms are a race of high-tech humanoid rhinos. They are usually gentle and peace loving. But when provoked to fight, they fight with all the fury of a lion. The pachyderms are also known for their fearless combat tactics. When the invasion fleet came storming down to their planet, they were not afraid, it only made them mad. Little is known what would have happened if they would have had the chance to wage war. Trade between Pachyderm and Simbaya had long been established when the Royal Guard made Hoof representative of his planet and part of the Guard.
Hoof is a living tank. A huge brute weighing about a ton, he carries about a half ton of armor on his back. This high-tech armor, along with his tough hide, gives him an incredible -11 AC. The armor is also equipped with a self loading cannon and rocket launcher. Though he has a low Dexterity, Hoof can, if given enough space and time, work up great speed. When in combat, Hoof will punch his opponent twice with his massive fists, and if both hit, Hoof can blast 'em with his cannon knocking him back 3d10 feet stunning him for 1 round. Once knocked back, Hoof will charge toward him, ramming him with his horn causing 1 point of damage per foot knocked back. This horn will knock his foe upward 3d10 feet, at which time Hoof may employ his one heat seeking missile. This missile hits for 1-100 points of damage while the opponent is in the air. Then the opponent suffers falling damage once crashing to the ground, at which time he is stunned again for another round, so Hoof may continue the process all over again.
Strength: 20 +3 +8
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 5
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: Special
Charisma: -6
Class: Fighter
Race: Zombie
Level: 18
Hit Points: Special
Armor Class: 0
THAC0: -5 (ax) / -3 (knife) / -2 (spear)
BLOCK: 3 / 12
Attacks/Round: 3 / 1
Damage: 2d8 +13 x2 (double-headed battle ax +5), 1d6 +11 (knife +3)
/ 1d6 +10 (spear +2)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Size: 6'
PLANE/WORLD: Necropolis
Special: +1 weapon to hit, immune to bludgeoning attack effects, blood
loss, poison, cold, fear, death spells and psionics, cannot be turned,
see below
Bloodaxe the "Undying" lived thousands of years ago during his planet's medieval age. A savage warrior renown for murdering the innocent and devouring them (cannibalism), so horrible were his crimes, that when it came for him to die at old age (for no one did ever beat him battle), he was refused by Death as punishment and cursed with undeath. In much pain and wishing to die, Bloodaxe offered himself to his worst enemies who tortured him. They stabbed, burned, drowned, and tore him into little pieces, but each time, his body restored itself. And though not dying, he retained the marks of his torture: bruises, scars, and boils. Bloodaxe became so hideous that his face was hidden. At last, they tried to starve him, the most terrible torture of all, thirst. When finally realizing he couldn't die, Bloodaxe broke his bonds, killed his guard and drank his blood. Hence forth, he vowed to take vengeance upon all living kind by killing, dying time and time again, never finding an end to his suffering.
Bloodaxe covers his face with a helmet. If removed, those looking at his face must save at -6 or run screaming for 1d10 turns. Those killed by Bloodaxe become mindless zombies slaves to his every command. Bloodaxe can be harmed by any attack: fire, acid, all +1 or greater weapons, he simply does not die, even without his head. Only by cutting off both legs, lighting him on fire, or immersing him in acid can he be defeated. His ashes must be kept in a box, for if they are sprinkled on the ground, after one full moon his body will restore itself. If dissolved, his teeth will remain, which must also be locked up. Bloodaxe's weapons are cursed. They cannot be let go, and each time they are used to kill, the PC's alignment drops by one, and continues until becoming forever CE with an insatiable desire to kill. Reading the stat sheets
Stat sheets for the Masters of the Universe campaign setting are very similar to regular stat sheets save for a few minor details. These exceptions have been designed to simplify game play, make them more concise and easier to use.
Notice that there are two numbers following the Dexterity and Constitution ability scores. The first number after Dexterity refers to Armor Class adjustments made due to high or low scores. The second number refers to modifiers on reaction time, used to determine whether the characters are surprised or win initiative. If the value is positive, the character receives a surprise and initiative bonus on his roll equal to the number listed, if the value is negative, the character receives a penalty to his roll. For Constitution, the first number refers to hit point modifiers when rolling for hit points after gaining levels, and the second number refers to poison saving throw modifiers. Note that if a character does not have a bonus or penalty due to his ability score, no numbers will appear next to it.
To make things easier to use, the THAC0 as listed has already taken into consideration the characters strength bonuses and weapon bonuses. If a word is listed next to THAC0 in parenthesis, that is the character's THAC0 using that weapon or attack form. If a player wishes to have his character attack in a manner not listed on the stat sheet, he may do so by calculating the 'to hit' roll by level, strength bonus, etc., as is done in regular AD&D. Note that the listed attack forms refer only to what the characters use most often. If more than one number is listed for THAC0, more than one attack form can be made by that character. For example, Joe may have a +3 ax and a +2 sword and may be able to attack with both of them. Thus, for each weapon being used, the THAC0 would change. If the numbers are separated by a slash, "/", the character must choose between the two different weapons, but can never use both in the same round. If the numbers are separated by a comma, ",", the character makes more than one attack per round using both weapons, using one THAC0 for one weapon and the other THAC0 for the other weapon. The distinction between comma and slash is used for other statistics as seen below.
You will notice that there are two numbers for the BLOCK statistic separated by a slash, "/". The first number indicated relates to all attacks capable of being blocked save for those attacks coming from other members of the Masters of the Universe. When characters from the Masters of the Universe compendium fight each other, the second number is always used.
Often, a character will have more than one number for Attacks/Round. If more than one number is indicated, more than one kind of attack can be made per round. For instance, Joe the fighter has an ax and a sword. If a slash of 2 / 1 is indicated on his number of attacks, Joe can choose to either attack 2 times with his ax or 1 time with his sword. If a fraction is listed, such as, 1/3, that attack can be made once every three rounds. If Joe can only use 2 different types of weapons and they can both be used the same number of times, only one number will appear. For example, if Joe can attack twice with his ax and sword, just a 2 would appear for Attacks/Round. If there are 3 or more different weapons Joe can use, even if Joe can use all of them the same number of times, all 3 numbers will appear, like this: 2 / 2 / 2.
The first thing Damage indicates is a number(s) to be rolled. This number takes both strength and weapon bonus into consideration. The word found next to these numbers indicates what weapon is being used to cause that damage. Damage coincides with Attacks/Round to determine how many attacks can be made with what weapon. Easily enough, the first number for Attacks/Round relates to the first attack form listed next to Damage, the second number next to Attacks/Round relates to the second attack form and so on. So if Joe has to choose between his ax or his sword, it might look like
this: 1d8 +3 x2 (ax) / 1d10 +2 (sword). But if Joe attacks with both weapons in one round, it would look like this: 1d8 +3 x2 (ax), 1d10 +2 (sword). An easy way to remember this is like this:
1.) Slash means, "or."
2.) Comma means, "and."
You will notice that after the Special statistic, defensive statistics always come first: plus weapons needed to hit, magic resistance, and immunities. Second are special abilities unique to that character. Special abilities are like spells and must be looked up under Zodak's Guide to Special Abilities. They can easily be distinguished from other statistics because special abilities are always capitalized. Third in order come all spells and spell like powers, and last come everything else.
Zodak's Guide to Special Abilities
This is a complete list of special abilities as found in the Masters
of the Universe world with a short explanation of each.
Acid spit: An ability employed by the krill during combat, the acid
spit is a deadly liquid produced in the krill's stomach which can be puked
up once per round and used against opponents. The acid spit has no damaging
effects to organic tissue but has deadly corrosive effects to metal. All
weapons and armor made of metal exposed to the acid require a successful
saving throw. Failure indicates the acid dissolves the metal object and
renders it useless. Krill need a 'to hit' roll to determine whether the
acid strikes the opponent. The acid can be blocked, but only in an attempt
to stop it from corroding the opponent's armor or some other metallic object
worn by the opponent other than his weapon, if that is the krill's target.
The weapon used to block, however, if made of metal, would then need to
make a successful saving throw vs. acid or be corroded.
Armor blocks: Some high-tech armor found on DarkWorld create surrounding
force fields protecting the wearer of the armor within the fields. The
fields last for 1-4 rounds during which time 10 of any physical attacks
cannot pass. Even the person inside the field cannot make an attack outside
of it. The person using the field may walk around, however, since it moves
as the person moves. If more than 10 attacks of any kind are made upon
the field before the duration of the field ends, the field is broken. Once
the field is down, it may never be used again. Though the field blocks
physical attacks, it is unable to block the incoming or outgoing of energy
attacks, such as laser guns or spells, for example. Thus, someone inside
the field can still attack with a laser pistol and vise versa.
Blindness: The blindness ability is actually a high-tech weapon, a gun
which emits a blinding light and causes 1-10 hp of radiation damage (treat
as heat damage). This attack does not require a roll 'to hit' and those
within the area of effect, a cone 20' in diameter, must make a successful
saving throw vs. spell each time the weapon is used or become permanently
Body spikes: Most commonly used by spike fiends, body spikes are a special
defensive armor most effective against those using limb attacks. Body spikes
are long sharp objects protruding from a spike fiend or a character with
body spike armor; 1'-2' feet in length. Any opponent attempting to punch,
kick, grab or in a similar way attack an opponent with body spikes suffers
the same damage to himself as he inflicts on his opponent.
Clone: The power to clone, or morph oneself from one form into another,
enables the cloned to have the THAC0, AC, number of attacks, and strength
of any creature he touches, practically becoming the other person in every
way. However, the cloned being may not copy the person's special abilities,
spells, or magical weapons. In cloned form, the cloned being becomes immune
to all damage, but may only suffer four attacks before he is forced to
turn back into his original form. Once he turns back into his original
form, the cloned being may be attacked and suffer damage. In the next round,
the being with clone may morph again, but must suffer one round of attack
before altering form.
Constriction: This is an ability most commonly used by yuan-ti of humanoid
boa constrictor type. Such yuan-ti have very elongated limbs which are
used as weapons to squeeze opponents to death. Constriction can be applied
automatically with any successful 'to hit' roll and inflicts 1d20 points
of damage (+ strength bonus) per limb causing the constriction. There is
a 50% that both arms will be pinned, in which case the opponent can only
attempt to break free. A roll under 50 indicates that one arm is free (roll
1d4 to determine arm: 1-2: left, 3-4: right). A free arm can be used to
attack even while being held. To break free, a successful wrestling total
must be made. If the yuan-ti grabs the opponent in both arms, constriction
damage doubles to 2d20 (+ strength bonus doubled) per round, in which case,
victim must make a successful wrestling total above 1d4 +(double the normal
yuan-ti's strength) to free both arms. Those breaking free may opt to have
just one arm free and attack with that arm while being held, or may break
free completely and attack with both arms once during that round. To free
just one arm, character need only make a regular wrestling total check.
Creeping doom: This terrible ability, like the spell of the same name, causes every type and kind of insect to materialize inside a person's body to chew him from the inside out. The attack does not require a roll 'to hit'. Those attacked by creeping doom must make a successful saving throw vs. death or die. Those having made the save move out of the range of the spell and see the insects appear beside him but not inside him. The insects on the ground can be stepped on and will thus cause no damage.
Creeping doom is a powerful ability and may only be used once per day.
Death curse: This is a special ability employed most often by intelligent
undead creatures of great power. A death curse may be used by: a greater
mummy, lich or a demi-lich, for example. The death curse has no saving
throw and the duration lasts until a remove curse spell is cast. Those
destroying undead with a death curse automatically suffer the effects of
the curse, causing them to fail all saving throws hence forth. If many
characters are involved in the killing of a creature with death curse,
the last character to strike the blow killing the creature is effected
by the curse.
Diseased bite: Of the most terrible aspects of the krill, krill saliva
consists of a deadly disease which rots organic flesh in seconds. Those
bitten by the krill need to make successful saving throws vs. poison each
time they are bitten or, in the next round, have their limbs rot and fall
to the ground useless. When Krill bite, they always go for a limb, so a
1d4 should be rolled to determine which limb may be effected (1: left leg,
2: right leg, 3: left arm, 4: right arm).
Disintegration: This ability is actually a high-tech weapon enabling
a fighter the same attack on a creature as the spell by the same name.
Powerful guns with the disintegration option may fire a beam of disintegration
every round, but do not cause hit point damage. The gun also needs a successful
'to hit' roll. Those struck by the disintegration beam are required a saving
throw vs. death. A failed save means the creature is totally and irrevocably
destroyed. A successful save means the creature suffers no damage and no
harmful effect.
Drain, constitution: The humanoid mosquitoes of the planet, Arachnia,
have the power to drain any creature of blood and feed on it. This constitution
drain requires a successful 'to hit' roll with the mosquits deadly pincer,
an attack which can be made once per round. A successful hit drains 1-4
points of constitution and all hit points due to constitution bonus. Those
hit points lost by the victim are gained by the mosquit, up to the maximum
amount of the mosquits hit points. A character whose constitution reaches
0 becomes completely dried of blood and dies.
Drain, dexterity: Dexterity drain is a special ability which may be
used by powerful, evil clerics. To effectively inflict someone with dexterity
drain, the cleric need but make a successful 'to hit' roll or touch the
intended victim. Those struck automatically lose 1 point of dexterity (no
save). A cleric may even channel the ability through his staff, effecting
the being with the damage of the attack and the drain. Those effected by
dexterity drain move slower until a restoration spell is cast on them.
If the victim's dexterity falls below 1/2 normal, the drain acts as a slow
spell, allowing the victim 1/2 his normal attack rate.
Drain, level: This special ability is used on DarkWorld not only by
undead, but also by those from the planet of Embliominimimi. Aliens from
Embliominimimi have the ability to drain 1-4 levels from their opponents
with but a look of their eyes. This attack is instantaneous and does not
require a roll 'to hit' neither is there a saving throw. The level drain
can be continued each round even while the being using it attacks. Those
completely drained of levels lose consciousness and die.
Drain, strength: Those with the special ability, strength drain, must
first roll 'to hit' to grab their opponent. Then, the opponent must be
held within the drainer's grasp. For each round the opponent is being drained
and for each limb holding him, the opponent loses 1-4 points of strength.
For instance, a monster with two arms and a head may bite and grab his
enemy with both hands, draining 3d4 points of strength. During this time,
the opponent may try to attack, but a successful hit will not free him
of the drainer's grasp. To break free, the opponent must make a successful
wrestling total (using his drained strength) which takes one melee round
of combat. After breaking free, the opponent may also attack once in that
round, but may then be grabbed again in the next round. Those drained of
strength do not restore their strength unless a restoration spell is cast.
Those drained completely of strength fall to the ground and are paralyzed.
Duplication: This unique power may only be employed by the most powerful
of regenerating creatures. Those beings who can duplicate themselves not
only have some regenerative abilities, but in seconds may grow entire body
parts that have been lost. Duplication enables the creature to reproduce
another of itself using a severed limb. If more than 10 hp are lost from
a creature's limb from a sword, for example, the limb becomes severed and
falls to the ground. In 1-10 rounds, the limb can grow into an exact duplicate
of the creature with the exact same stats. The only way, then, to tell
one creature apart from the other, is to examine the clothing, and or items
that the original creature had, which would not have been duplicated along
with the second creature. Note that if the second creature loses a limb,
it too may duplicate itself, and its duplicate may duplicate and so on
and so forth, possibly producing an infinite number of creatures. The only
way, then, to permanently destroy such a creature, is to burn it, as they
are immune to physical attacks.
Earthquake punch: The earthquake punch enables the hero to punch the
ground with such force, that he creates a slight tremor in the earth. The
area of effect is within a 20' radius, but is most effective to those standing
directly in front of the source of the earthquake punch. Man sized creatures
who happen to be directly in front of and within the area effected by an
earthquake punch must make a dexterity check. Failure means the creature
loses its balance and falls down. The duration of the earthquake is one
round. Those having fallen down suffer a free attack roll on their heads
and suffer double dice as the normal amount of damage. For example, if
the normal damage equals 1d20 +14, damage to the head would be modified
to 2d20 +14. In the next round, the opponent may get to his feet and resume
combat, but must make an initiative roll vs. his opponent. Earthquake punches
are usually employed by gods, demi-gods and some titans.
Fear paralysis: The fear paralysis is an aura of fear (within a 10'
radius) radiated by powerful undead creatures. Those stepping into the
area of effect, seeing the undead creature, need to make a successful saving
throw vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed forever. Once a successful save
is made, the character becomes immune to the fear's effects.
Grappling hook: A grappling hook is a special weapon which may be used
only once per round, regardless of fighter level, but may be combined with
other attacks in that round. To use a grappling hook, one must make a successful
'to hit' roll. Grappling hooks cannot be blocked. If the hit succeeds,
the opponent is entangled within the ropes of the weapon. To break free,
one can use a sharp edged instrument to cut himself loose. However, during
such time, the wielder of the grappling hook may have one free round of
attack. The person cutting the ropes does not gain any AC bonus for dexterity
and cannot block the attacks during that round. If the ropes to the grappling
hook are cut, the grappling hook cannot be used again. If a being trapped
in the ropes does not have a sharp edged instrument, he may attempt to
break free, but only with a strength of 18 or better, and only by overcoming
a wrestling total of 20 +1d20.
Hell fire: Once per round, an arch-demon can summon upon the flames of Hell to do away with his opponents (victims?). This ability can be used in one of two ways. With the first, the demon need but open and raise his left hand, no 'to hit' roll is required. This act causes a pillar of circular flame 10 feet in diameter to burst from the earth. Nothing can withstand the intensity of this flame. Those of 10+ HD are entitled a saving throw vs. death to determine whether they leap out of harm's way. Those failing their save are consumed by the flames and instantly turned to ash (cremation?). Those of less than 10 HD are entitled NO saving throw; they simply burn up. Those within the area of effect immune to fire are not effected. Those with magic resistance (unmodified) may opt to negate its effect.
The second way in which an arch-demon may use this ability, is on himself, engulfing HIM in flames. Since he is immune to fire, this ability has no harmful effect on him. However, similar to the well known demon, balor, the flames emanating from his body may harm other opponent's attempting to touch, wrestle, or strike him with a limb. Those doing such, suffer 4d6 points of dmg. upon contact and an additional 4d6 for every round the contact ensues. This second use of Hell fire, however, has a duration of 1-4 +2 rounds, at the end of which time the flames burn out, requiring another full round to reactivate them.
Horror gaze: The horror gaze is most commonly found in those with negative
charisma scores. Such beings are so hideous, that those looking upon them
must make a saving throw vs. spell or be horrified and unable to move for
1-12 rounds, in which time they are susceptible to free attacks. Those
horrified are unable to block, attack, and do not gain AC bonuses due to
dexterity. The horrific being causing the horror must still roll 'to hit',
however. When the horror gaze wears off, an initiative roll must be made
to resume combat. Once a horror save is made, another is no longer required.
Horror gaze is also the same as horror check.
Hypnotism, yuan-ti: Yuan-ti with hypnotic abilities are almost always
humanoid cobras. Those attempting to attack a yuan-ti cobra must first
make a saving throw vs. spell to determine whether they avoid the eyes.
If the eyes are gazed upon for more than one second, the character falls
under hypnosis for 1-6 rounds, in which time they are unable to attack
or block. The humanoid cobra will then attack the hypnotized victim, the
victim unable to retaliate for the duration of the effect, but the cobra
must still roll 'to hit'. Once the hypnotism wears off, an initiative roll
must be made between the character and the yuan-ti. After a character makes
a saving throw vs. hypnotism or is hypnotized once, he may never be hypnotized
the same way again.
Lay egg: By far the most terrible natural ability of the krill, and
considered by many the most terrible cause of death, the krill can reproduce
by laying their eggs in other opponent's bodies. These eggs are produced
under the krill's skin and appear as warts. If ever a krill is to die,
the pustules containing their eggs spew forth clinging and burying themselves
into any organic matter. Opponent's in the path of the krill, subjected
to these eggs, need to make a successful saving throw vs. poison or become
the host body for the krill's offspring. The krill egg lay does not require
a successful 'to hit' roll. Those failing their saving throws die as if
from the effects of a horrible disease in the next 10d4 rounds unless a
cure disease spell is cast upon them. After 10d4 hours, the victim's of
the krill's eggs will experience an excruciating pain in their chest at
which time a horn will grow out from their chest cavity. Then, the body
of the "host" will fall down, paralyzed with pain, as the new
krill breaks free. When the new krill is born, its host dies. Krill are
born full adults and have the exact same stats as the ones who spawned
them, and will finish any battle their host may have started. Reproduced
krill are so identical to their parents, in fact, that it is believed that
they pass on 100% of their DNA traits to their "children" and
that even the memories and knowledge of the old krill are passed on to
the new. Furthermore, it is believed that the krill have no sex classification
such as male or female, but that they are born with the power to reproduce
but do so only when close to death.
Mirror image: Like the spell by the same name, the special ability,
mirror image, is used by those of the ninja class to confuse their opponents.
Mirror image creates 5 duplicate images of the ninja, all illusions, which
act and move the same way that the actual ninja moves. These 5 illusions
and the real ninja surround the opponent and move round him in a circle.
When the ninja makes his attack, they all make their attack, but it is
impossible to tell from which ninja does the actual blow come. When attacking
the ninja, the opponent must roll a 1d6 to determine which image he will
strike. In the first round, the ninja will be 1, so a 1 must be rolled
to strike the real ninja. If a 1 is rolled and the hit succeeds, even if
the ninja blocks the attack, the other five illusions will disappear. If
another number is rolled, the opponent's weapon will pass right through
an illusion. In the next attack, the opponent must roll another 1d6. If,
for example, the opponent rolls a 1 in the first round but misses, he still
must roll a 1d6 for the second attack. In the second round, the ninja is
2, so a 2 must be rolled to strike him. Likewise, in the third round, the
ninja will be 3, and so on and so forth, until after 6 rounds he becomes
1 again and starts the process all over.
Paralyzation: A krill's special paralyzation attack comes from its two
small limbs which it hides inside the shadows of its larger arms pits.
These little arms have the ability to cast a paralyzation spell much like
the spell, hold person. The attack is automatic and does not require a
roll 'to hit'. Those resisting the effects of the paralyzation need to
make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation every round or be paralyzed
for 1-4 rounds, in which time the krill is allowed to freely attack the
victim. When the effects of the paralyzation wear off, a new initiative
must be rolled to resume combat.
Petrification: Very simply, those looking upon creatures with petrification
ability must make saving throws vs. rod or be turned to stone. The saving
throw is to determine whether or not the eyes of the petrifier are avoided.
If the save succeeds, the opponent must decide whether or not he will fight
with eyes closed (with a -5 penalty to block and a -5 penalty to THAC0)
or keep eyes open and make a saving throw each and every round that he
Poison, smoke: Poison smoke, much like mustard gas, is a type of chemical
warfare used by those from the planet of, Mechanus. Poison smoke appears
as a black cloud consistent of all types of vile chemicals. The user of
poison smoke must be immune to gas attacks or also suffer from its effects.
At first, the poison smoke inflicts 24d6 +12 points of damage, suffocating
all the life in its path and filling everything breathing with noxious
fumes. A saving throw vs. breath weapon for half damage is allowed to determine
whether or not the smoke is inhaled. Even those not inhaling, however,
suffer chemical abrasions to their skin, eyes, and nose. It also causes
hair to fall out. At this time, a second save is required vs. breath weapon
to determine whether or not eyes were closed. Failed saving throws mean
that eyes were open and permanent blindness results. Even after the smoke
attack has been used, chemicals in the air will continue to eat away at
the flesh causing 1-4 points of damage each round until the chemical cloud
is left or until the air is cleared.
Poison, spit: When a character is attacked with poison spit, he must make two saving throws. The first, vs. death, the second, vs. blindness. If the first succeeds, the character must then make a saving throw vs. blindness. If the second fails, the character is blind for the remainder of his life, unless a cure blindness spell is cast upon him. If both saving throws succeed, the character becomes immune to the poison and need not make any other saving throws. Even those making both saving throws, however, suffer an additional 1d4 points of damage every round due to the effects of the poison on their skin, and continue to suffer the damage until the effected area is washing vigorously with water.
Poison, yuan-ti: Poison inflicted by a humanoid snake or yuan-ti, is
many times more powerful than any other snake poison. A -2 in front of
the poison, for example, indicates the penalty vs. saving throw. Those
failing their saving throws vs. yuan-ti poison fall to the ground and die
instantly, a gruesome death indeed. Once a saving throw is made, however,
the save need never be made again.
Possession: Possession is an ability that may only be used by evil, ethereal, undead beings. This ability enables the spirit of the undead to "possess" the body of any other being, even after the undead has been destroyed. If the undead is turned or sent to another plane, however, it may not possess someone. Furthermore, lawful good clerics and paladins are immune to possession.
When an undead creature attempts possession, the intended victim must add up all of his ability scores and make a saving throw under the average of his total. If the saving throw succeeds, the character is not possessed and the undead may return to its original form (body). If the save fails, the original undead form disappears and the undead spirit takes complete control of the character. In essence, the undead becomes the character in every way, even being able to share some of the characters thoughts and knowledge, but the character's intelligence, wisdom, and alignment become like that of the former being who became undead.
The effect of the possession lasts until the character is exorcised or until the character dies, at which time the character is allowed another saving throw for his soul if he is resurrected. If the second saving throw fails, the spirit of the original character is forever lost and the undead completely takes over. If the second save succeeds, the undead is cast out forever.
To exorcise the undead spirit out, a good cleric must cast bless, remove
curse, and a protection from evil spell on the character's body. When this
is done, the undead's original form will appear, and then the cleric must
attempt to turn the undead. If the turning fails, the undead will simply
repossess the body. And then, the cleric may never again remove the spirit.
But another cleric may try.
Push back punch: The push back punch, a unique attack ability native
to the Kingdom of Palutina, enables the attacker to punch an opponent and
at the same time, push him a distance of 10 feet. The opponent struck must
then run back up to his attacker to resume combat. The time it takes to
run back, however, cuts the opponent's number of attacks in half. If, however,
the opponent pushed back can attack even at a distance of 10 feet, via
spear, laser gun, spells, etc., the push back punch would have no consequence
to number of attacks. If a person using the push back punch is fighting
a being of a particularly large or heavy nature, the push back punch would
still apply, but instead of pushing the large creature back, would it push
the attacker away from the large creature.
Raise Hell: Once per round, an arch-demon may open a gate between Baator and the Prime Material Plane beneath any flat surface. This gate may even be opened beneath the feet of another opponent while in combat. The opening and lowering of the demon's right hand causes a black fissure to rip through the earth approximately 10 feet in diameter and 3 feet in width. From this fissure come many arms that will grab all those within the area of effect and pull them down into Baator, (these are actually the limbs of lesser demons ruled by the greater arch-demon, who upon returning to Hell with their victim(s), devour the victim's flesh). Then, the souls remaining become lesser demons and slaves of the greater arch-demon for all eternity. To avoid this awful fate, opponent's are entitled a saving throw vs. death. Those failing, perish, and cannot be resurrected but by a god! Those with magic resistance (unmodified) may opt to negate its effects. Clerics or paladins with the ability to turn undead/demons, may attempt to turn the lesser demons as with 1 HD undead, negating the effects of the ability completely.
Note: The Raise Hell ability can only be used when on the Prime Material
Snake toss: Used most often by yuan-ti, the snake toss is a type of
attack where snakes are used as weapons. From 1-4 snakes can be thrown
each round making up one attack. These snakes have 10 hp each and bite
inflicting 1-4 points of damage. For every snake bite, a saving throw vs.
poison must be made or death will ensue in 1-6 rounds.
Rebound punch: Those using the rebound punch fight by spinning like
a top and striking anything within arms length. Those making physical attacks
against a being using the rebound punch must make a successful saving throw
vs. spell (though it's not a spell) each and every time they attempt to
hit. A successful saving throw means they avoid the fists, whereas as a
failed saving throw means they suffer an attack in return, suffering 1d4
(+strength bonus) points of damage. This attack is automatic and does not
subtract from the normal number of attacks of the character during his
round. For example, a fighter with three attacks rolls to hit another fighter
with rebound punch. The hit is successful and the other fighter fails to
block. Fighter #1 rolls damage against his opponent. Then, he makes a saving
throw vs. spell and fails, suffering a punch in return. The next attack
misses, the third hits and the saving throw for the rebound punch succeeds.
Now, the round moves on to the second fighter and he makes his attacks.
Sandstorm spell: The sandstorm spell is unique to DarkWorld, and for
those beings that know of it, it can be a very useful spell. Sandstorm
can be used once every three rounds. The spell summons a huge gust of wind
to come and lift all objects less than 100 lbs. off the ground, hurling
them through the air as if a hurricane. The storm may last from 1-6 rounds.
Each round, 1-20 objects are thrown. Beings in front of the sandstorm must
make successful dexterity checks to avoid each object, or suffer 1d6 points
of bludgeoning damage. After the first round when the spell is cast, the
caster of sandstorm may opt to attack while his opponent is being hailed
by the flying objects. Once the storm dies down, all the objects in the
near vicinity will have been removed, thus, even though the storm can be
evoked again, there will be no more objects to be thrown.
Stoneskin: Like the spell, stoneskin, characters listed as having stoneskin
actually have stone like skin which naturally surrounds their bodies, thus,
the stoneskin effect never wears off. However, stoneskin only protects
against sharp edged weapons, which do but 1 point of damage regardless
of weapon and strength bonuses. Furthermore, those with stoneskin cannot
be decapitated by vorpal weapons or amputated by weapons of sharpness,
and are immune to all sharp edged attack effects. Unlike the spell, however,
bludgeoning attacks inflict full damage on those with natural stoneskin.
Swarm spell: Like the spell, summon swarm, the swarm spell causes large, killer bees,
10 per level, to come and sting the opponent of the summoner. These
bees die when their attack is complete, but inflict 1d4 +1 points of damage
for every ten bees. Thus, a 20th level character using the swarm spell
would summon 200 bees, which would attack inflicting 20d4 +20 points of
damage (save vs. spell for half). This spell can be used once every three
rounds. A similar spell can also be used, summoning poisonous mosquitoes
instead of bees, but having the same effect. Note that insects do not need
a roll 'to hit'.
Tail hold: The tail hold is a special wrestling maneuver used by those
humanoid fighters with strong tails. The tail hold can automatically be
applied when a tail attack is made and the hit is successful. Those held
suffer 1d20 points of constriction damage (+ strength bonus) each round
they are being held, and may also be attacked by other limbs automatically,
without needing to roll a 'to hit'. When a hold is made, there is a 50%
chance that both arms will be pinned. A roll made under 50 means one arm
is free (roll 1d4 to determine which arm, 1-2: left, 3-4: right). Freed
limbs can be used to attack even while being held. Those with both arms
pinned and no other limbs can only attempt to break free, requiring a successful
wrestling total. Once freed of the tail hold, the victim may attack once
in that round before he is attacked and possibly held again. He may also
opt to simply free one arm and attack while being held. Tail hold is also
the same as trunk hold, but on a smaller scale. Trunk holds usually do
less damage.
List of Psionics
Mind kill: Of the most powerful psionic powers, mind kill causes the
instantaneous death of any being. The body remains intact yet the victim
becomes brain dead. Mind kill works with any being having a brain or any
kind of intelligence. Those resisting mind kill must make a successful
intelligence check. Failed checks means instant death. Mind kill takes
500 psionic points to use and does not require a roll to hit.
Move object: This ability enables the psionicist to move any object
with his mind, being any weight less than the total number of his psionic
points, each point being equivalent to 1 pound. The wielder can then hold
the object for 1 round per psionic point, and can throw or move the object
at a rate of 1 foot per point. For example, a being with 1000 psionic points
could lift a 100 pound object 10 feet off the ground and hold it for 1
round. This, of course, would exhaust all his psionic points for the day.
Or, he could lift a 1000 pound object 1 foot off the ground for 1 second.
Pirokinesis: This psionic ability causes any being to suddenly burst
into flames as if the victim of spontaneous human combustion. Damage caused
by pirokinesis is equivalent to 1d6 points of damage per 20 psionic points
used up to a maximum of 10d6. Thus, a psionicist with 1000 psionic points
could inflict 10d6 points of damage every round for 5 rounds. Pirokinesis
does not need a roll to hit.
Telekinetic hammer: This ability enables the psionicist to evoke a powerful
force which strikes opponents inflicting 1 point of damage per 20 pounds
of force, 1 pound per psionic point. Thus, a psionicist with 1000 psionic
points could instantly cause 50 points of damage. Telekinetic hammer does
not require a roll to hit.
Telekinetic pinch: Like the psionic ability, move object, telekinetic
pinch is a concentrated form of telekinesis. It applies force inside an
opponent's body, attempting to alter organs and body functions. Examples
are: crushing the heart, imploding the lungs, the closing of major blood
vessels and blocking the central nervous system. Those resisting the effects
of telekinetic pinch must make a saving throw vs. death at -2. Those failing
with 2 less than what they need to save become completely paralyzed, those
failing with 1 less become partially paralyzed (roll 1d4 to determine extent
of paralyzation, 1-2: from waste down, 3-4: neck down). Those failing with
3 or less than what they need to save die instantly. Telekinetic pinch
takes up 200 psionic points and does not require a roll to hit.
Telekinetic wall: Creates a wall of force preventing any physical object
from passing. Area of effect is 1 foot per psionic point and 1 point per
pound of force, preventing anything of lesser force from passing. The wall
lasts one round per psionic point.
Telepathy: Forcefully communicates with any other intelligent being,
can also be used to suggest thoughts, or even scan minds of any useful
information. Those resisting telepathy must make a successful intelligence
check. Failure means the victim's mind is an open book to the psionicist,
the psionicist being able to read his mind for 1 round per psionic point.
Telepathic suggestion: This ability can be used after telepathic communication
is successful. With telepathic suggestion, the psionicist can suggest that
the opponent do something he does not wish to do, such as kill himself,
for example. Victim's of such a suggestion are entitled another intelligence
check, failure meaning that the psionicist gains complete control over
the victim for 1 round per 10 psionic points. Once a being has made a successful
intelligence check vs. telepathic suggestion, another need not be made.